any 30+ for the august mcat

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Jul 18, 2002
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hey any 30= for the august mcat, please post and also study materials, habits, etc

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There's already a thread about this. I think it's called "30+ MCAT Study Habits." Or something like that.
Studied next to none. Called friends and looked at SDN on Saturday. Looked over some O-Chem mechanisms, EKG's, and the lac operon, and electrical (P=IV) equations.

Took the test on Sunday (I graduated Saturday 8/17). I got a 32; 9, 11, Q, 12. I had a 31 in April (trying to make up for lowish GPA [3.1]). Peace.
Originally posted by NE_Cornhusker1
Studied next to none. Called friends and looked at SDN on Saturday. Looked over some O-Chem mechanisms, EKG's, and the lac operon, and electrical (P=IV) equations.

Took the test on Sunday (I graduated Saturday 8/17). I got a 32; 9, 11, Q, 12. I had a 31 in April (trying to make up for lowish GPA [3.1]). Peace.

not to be mean, but why did you study next to none if you're trying to make up for a lowish GPA and had a good MCAT last time? makes no sense to me!