Any current Loyola students willing to PM me?

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Sep 17, 2003
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Hi everyone,

I am hoping I might be able to find a current Loyola student to answer a few questions I have. I was accepted there about a month ago and while it is my first choice, I still have some reservations about cost as well as some questions about student life. If anyone is willing to help me out by PMing me, I would be forever grateful! THANK YOU!:clap:

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If you call, they are very willing to get you into touch with some current students via email...just a thought

Thanks for the suggestion!! That's a great idea!

Actually, I've had quite a bit of luck from this post - I've already received a handful of PM messages... now I just have to set aside time to respond to them all:)

Thank you to all the Loyola students who responded so promptly and are quite generous with their time and information. I really appreciate it!! Just another reason I am pretty much convinced Loyola is the place for me....:clap:
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If you don't mind, would you share some of their thoughts with me? I got into Loyola but i might have some difficult decisions to make...and they are made all the more difficult because I loved Loyola and everyone I met there was so great...
Boulder LaBrat,

Of course I wouldn't mind sharing info with you! In fact, I've had a similar request from several other pre-meds who have been accepted to Loyola and are grappling with some tough questions/ decision as well. I'll PM you anything I find out:)

Best of luck with your decision-making!

~ DriNDT
i went to loyola as an undergrad. i withdrew my aplication for their medical school

loyola(undergrad) has been going through a lot of changes, all for the worse trust me

make sure that the med school is not affected by those changes since the undergrad school had gone from a really kool school to a s*it hole fast

anyways that was my 2 cents
Originally posted by DriNDT
Boulder LaBrat,

Of course I wouldn't mind sharing info with you! In fact, I've had a similar request from several other pre-meds who have been accepted to Loyola and are grappling with some tough questions/ decision as well. I'll PM you anything I find out:)

Best of luck with your decision-making!

~ DriNDT

That would be great thanks so much
Originally posted by moniagrl
i went to loyola as an undergrad. i withdrew my aplication for their medical school

loyola(undergrad) has been going through a lot of changes, all for the worse trust me

make sure that the med school is not affected by those changes since the undergrad school had gone from a really kool school to a s*it hole fast

anyways that was my 2 cents

I attended the undergad as well and even though it has gone through some changes, it is by no means a sh;t hole.
I'm also currently a student at their med school and it is not associated with the undergrad.
Can some 3rd or 4th years PM me too? I really enjoyed Loyola, but still have lots of questions! THank you so much in advance!