any Keck-USC news?

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According to the USC status page they have officially received my entire app including fees and LOR's. It looks as if no one on SDN has reported an interview invite yet. Anyone know when Keck will start inviting for interviews? Keck seems to be one of the only schools I don't see on the interviews thread.

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i went in to the office today to sign up as a student interviewer.. as of right now.. they were printing out interview invites to be mailed ASAP..
thanks size_tens...........i checked my status and saw that my application materials...LOR's and fees were received....hopefully we'll get some interview invites....good luck!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap:
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i was wondering when usc would update that site of theirs....

i wish us all good luck in getting some damn interview invites ;)
i got an interview invite! woohooo!! :D this is my first one.... i'm excited and nervous at the same time.... somehow i think i'm gonna blow it since everybody seems to screw up on their first ones. does anybody know if usc has rolling admissions? i'm wondering when to schedule it (of course earlier is better, but i need time to prepare myself and i still need to go shopping for a suit).

yay! :)
Why is USC's answering service song "You're a loser baby, why don't you go home now?"

they will send you an email and then the status page will let you schedule an interview. good luck
Originally posted by 1150829
i got an interview invite! woohooo!! :D this is my first one.... i'm excited and nervous at the same time.... somehow i think i'm gonna blow it since everybody seems to screw up on their first ones. does anybody know if usc has rolling admissions? i'm wondering when to schedule it (of course earlier is better, but i need time to prepare myself and i still need to go shopping for a suit).

yay! :)

Congrats. I wouldn't worry to much. If you are interviewing this early we must like you. And my interviews were the least stressfull out of all my interviews.

USC is semi rolling. They will let in a few people at a time after you interview, but the large majority of the people get in March 15th or so. I'd say go ahead and schedual it early. It shouldn't be that bad.
congrats!!:clap: :clap: really, thats awesome!

115..., did you hear by email first? are your stats really hi? how long after your status page was updated were you told.

jalbs, thanx for the info. so may we know how many times a month interviews are conducted? does the director (rmc) decide to grant interviews or does the committee?

my status page shows checks in the boxes for amcas, secondary, letters, and fee. but it doesnt event have a box saying interview (obviously, that would have no check in it). is everyone else's like that? or does that mean i havent been reviewed yet.

keck is my first choice, esp cause ive been involved there for the past 5 yrs...strong conxn, etc. hopefully ill hear soon. it just took a while for them to update the status page, so its kind of dragging along, :(.

thanks for the advice.
hi trojan,

i submitted my secondary in mid-Sept. and USC got back to me about an interview within 2 weeks. Very quick. Hope that helps!
actually..i have a question about this...I have been trying to log into the USC website to check my status but have been unable to (using original password given to me by USC email). I have a feeling this means that I have been rejected already and am no longer in the system, but I never received any kind of notification. Is anyone else having trouble logging in too??
Yeap, got an interview within 2 weeks after submitting my secondary. From reading the website and hearing what people have to say about the school, I am really excited to be interviewing there.

I really don't have a number 1 school, per se. But, as I have heard, USC will be my numero uno after interviewing;)

Jalby, can you offer more light on what really attracted you about USC?

Thanks in advance. If you're too busy, its coo!

thanx for the info and CONGRATS!

so, if you dont mind telling, those of you who got an interview so quickly, would you say your stats are high or at least higher than usc's avg for BOTH or either gpa and mcat (roughly, 3.6, 32)?? considering their vision to of moving up, i was wondering if those with high stats are interviewed first??

thanx again.
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actually..i have a question about this...I have been trying to log into the USC website to check my status but have been unable to (using original password given to me by USC email). I have a feeling this means that I have been rejected already and am no longer in the system, but I never received any kind of notification. Is anyone else having trouble logging in too??

Me too!! Even I am unable to log in with my provided password... anyone know what this means?????
Originally posted by chocolateshake

Me too!! Even I am unable to log in with my provided password... anyone know what this means?????

doesnt sound good......

i tried right now to sign with my orig pw and i got in no problem.

either your internet connection was down or maybe they did take your name off the database.
maybe they did take your name off the database.

Shouldn't they send some sort of notification if indeed..*gulp*..our names were taken off the database? Does anyone know if they even DO send rejection notifications?

Ok I was able to access my status page..apparently copy-pasting my password from my email doesn't work... I have to re-type it.

So my app is under review..and I have to wait.....................................................................................
how do you know it is under review? i have 4 checks and it says your app is currently being processed in red at the tope.
what does yours say?? thanx
how do you know it is under review? i have 4 checks and it says your app is currently being processed in red at the tope.

Actually yeah, that's what it says for me too...I just presumed that that means it's under review..considering it's complete? What else could processing mean? Maybe not..I dunno :rolleyes:
well like most sure usc is just inviting those "superstar" candidates with high numbers and such. my friend got an interview there already and he handed in his secondary pretty late......

so they are giving out invites......its just pretty selective right now.

ive been there for over a month before him, and nada......but i assume they just are prioritizing since they dont really do rolling admissions.

so yeah something else to feel bad about hahaha. ;)
but im sure we can tough it out...
Got a USC interview invite today!

I submitted my secondary on September 8.
congrats:clap: :clap:

do you mind telling if your stats are above the usc avg (3.6, 32)? thanx!
its pretty weird, some of u have check marks everywhere and im still getting an X on the letters even tho i was an early decision applicant and my file was complete.
gpa is below, mcat is above

thanks for the support! does anyone know - are they rolling?
actually, i'm on crack. my brain is fried from my first interviews today...

my gpa is above the average

i've heard that USC is "semi-rolling" - is that not true? i heard that the 1st batch of acceptances go out in dec, and the rest in spring. i may be completely wrong...:confused:
Originally posted by medhopeful08
i may be completely wrong...:confused:

but you are not.
does anyone know how usc is choosing who to interview, especially now? is it by numbers? it sure seems as though it is...jalby please please say something!! :( :(
The reason I ask about rolling is because I'm missing a lot of work for interviews this month and next month.

If I were to schedule an interview towards the end of next month at USC (around Thanksgiving), would I still be considered for admission in the first "batch"?
For some reasons, I have always thought that USC is int'l-student friendly and accept a lot of them like myself. I checked the statistics on US News today and apparently last year, USC only interviewed 2 out of 80+ foreign students (Talk about the odds!), and accepted 1 out of 2 interviewees.

That number is even lower than UCLA! (Interviewed 6 out of 90+ foreign students, and accepted 3) I would think that a state school like UCLA will be harsher on me.

I got an interview from UCLA (Also my undergrad school) but have heard NADA from USC yet...Just curious if anyone knows anything about admission policy for int'l students at USC?
can someone post usc's average gpa and mcat stats?
Originally posted by jlee9531
can someone post usc's average gpa and mcat stats?

Average GPA: 3.61
Verbal average: 10.1
Physical sci average: 11.2
Bio Sci average: 11

From U.S. News website (Yep, I paid $9.95 for those info...what were I thinking? I could have got an old computer game with that money...)
Is there anyone else who hasn't had their check cashed yet? I sent in my check/certification in mid-August and have an interview invite, but they still haven't cashed it. Not that I mind, but it just seems kind of odd.
My check hasn't been cashed either. I called last week and they said they were going to cash it in the middle of the week but they didn't. I feel like canceling the check and keeping the money...I'm so poor rght now.
I got an interview invite before my check was processed. Before the invite, I called the admissions office about my non-cashed check, and they said that they'll review applications even without the check and then ask for the fee at the interview if it hasn't been received yet. So technically, you could wait for an interview invite before sending a check :).