Any recommendations for study guides?


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May 12, 2012
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I have the 2009 big Kaplan book from the Kaplan class. Do you guys think I should update the Kaplan book since we are in 2014? What other study guides prepared you guys for the OAT?

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I don't think it matters since all Kaplan really does is just revise it a little so I think you should be good with the 2009 one. I recommend buying the OAT achiever, they are like 3 online exams that are a little harder than the actual OAT so you should be good questions wise. I also used the OAT destroyer but I never even finished half of it because Kaplan, the OAT achiever and the destroyer just got too overwhelming. :)
For review purposes, I would highly recommend Chad's videos. His website is full of instructional videos that are easy to get through and very helpful with broad overview of material. You could spend all summer studying half your physics textbook, but the OAT is designed to test you on a very wide variety of subjects. You're main goal is to bring what you've already learned to the surface of your mind and be able to apply those principles in basic ways. Use other sources for practice exams. If I had to go through the process again, I would have taken many more practice exams.