Anyone accepted at ALBANY MED?

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Sep 5, 2003
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is there anyone out there
NOT Early decision
that has heard from albany med?

i interviewed during the first week that they conducted interviews for regular admission people
and have not yet heard from them

the way they made it sound, they said they make decisions every week, with the committee meeting once a week to decide on acceptances

they even made it sound like they would tell us before oct 15
even though i know it is against some policy
i didnt want to ask, scared that i would imply they may be doing something wrong

they also said something about checking status online about acceptances
but i'm not completely positive if it was this school or some other
cant remember

anyone heard from them yet? or found out something on web site?

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yeah i heard: rejected😛
rejected post interview?

can u tell me how u were notified and around when u interviewed?
im trying to figure out the turn-around time btwn interview and notification

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I have an interview coming up, when I called the school they told me that they had not sent out any acceptances yet. you will probably hear back from then within the next two weeks.
Originally posted by yoni
yeah i heard: rejected😛

When you were at the interview, did you think you did relatively well?

anyone heard back yet post-interview?
bump... whats taking albany so long?

i would call
but i really dont wanna hear over the phone that i was rejected!!!
I interviewed at Albany last week and they mentioned that they haven't started sending out acceptances yet. They told us that they would meet today (!) to decide the fate of last week's interviewees. I think they may have already made decisions for your group but haven't sent anything out yet. Good luck!!!!!!!

Hey guys, would you mind posting your credentials? I want to go to Albany Med. and just want to find out what kind of people can get in. Thank u so much.
Albany reads each application and does not screen by computer. If you are an unusual or outstanding applicant who does not quite have the numbers you may get in there anyway because they are looking for more than just numbers. They have some incredible ranges for MCAT scores. It is definitely more than just the MCAT they are looking at.
the lowest MCAT, by section, that they took for this year's entering class:
VR: 4
PS: 6
BS: 7

(it's on a sheet they gave us at the interview)

so clearly, they're willing to overlook numbers if a candidate has other qualities/credentials
hey guys,
i called albany a couple of weeks ago. yes, they do meet every week to rank interviewees from the previous week. However, before making final decisions, they need to set "cut- offs." In order to set those cut-offs, they need to interview a minimum number of applicants (what they call "critical mass"). They said that happens sometime around mid-November. I'm assuming we'll hear around then. Hope this helps.
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I got an email from Albany saying that they are putting me on "hold" and that I may get an interview, but they are not sure if and when it will be. What is that all about? Do people actually come off of the "hold" pile?
I received the same email about a month ago and I still haven't heard a thing..but i'll keep my fingers crossed.
Accepted with an overall 17?!?!!! Wow! I'm
glad to see that at least some adcoms are open minded!!!

Guys...AMCAS is still slowly in the process of verifying my application and thus I still haven't recieved secondaries from some schools, this being one of them. Could you tell me the nature of the essays on the secondary application of Albany so that I can start working on them? I would really appreciate it . Thanks.🙂
Originally posted by kathy10
Accepted with an overall 17?!?!!! Wow! I'm
glad to see that at least some adcoms are open minded!!!

The scores posted were the lowest in each area, not the lowest combined.

The 4 verbal might have come with two 15s for an overall score of 34!
yeah, sorry not to make that clear....

VR range:
PS range:
BS range:

so, assuming the highest the person with a 4 could've gotten was a 28...

anyway, I still think that should be encouraging
i'm still trying to figure out how to write my 1000 word autobio.

I was flipping thru the catalog and i saw that they accepted some kids from podunk university.

so yeah. i hope they really are more open minded than they seem.
It's a 1000 character count "Describe yourself" - about 200 words, not 1000 words!!!!
Called yesterday, and they said that they SHOULD be releasing admissions decisions late next week (round the 20th er so) ... so give them a call then if you're impatient like me (they've been very polite and cheery everytime that I've nagged them so far ...)

Their number is:
Yeah, I wrote a 1000 word novel, tried to cut&paste it, then screamed for about an hour.
it's 1000 characters.......

Just wanted to let y'all know that they've started sending out acceptances (got one via email today), so be sure to check your inboxes!
I just found out via email that I have been accepted...I interviewed early oct.
My GPA was 2.91 per AMCAS.

Yeah, they are willing to overlook some numbers. The class is enjoyably diverse as a result.

Of course, you gotta have something else in your app if you have grades like mine! (FYI, I am lily-white and middle-class.)
