Anyone going to SAEM in NYC?

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Nov 13, 2002
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I'm going up for the residency fair and the chief resident's forum. I'm sure I'll take in a few lectures as well. When I'm not exploring the city that is.

Anyone else going?

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I'm usually here, so yup, will be going...
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Ill be there... but for the student lectures and what not...Im just an M3.....FOR NOW!!
FoughtFyr said:
Does this mean I might finally meet the great and powerful Roja, la doctora bonita en la citudad neuva york? Muy bien!


- H

Si, si. 😀

We have to go. And as I *live* here, even if I'm not at SAEM, I'll be in the city. 😛
roja said:
Si, si. 😀

We have to go. And as I *live* here, even if I'm not at SAEM, I'll be in the city. 😛

Cool, then I nominate YOU to set up a place and time for all of the SDN folks and their respective significant others, to meet for drinks! Party at Roja's place!!! 👍

- H
FoughtFyr said:
Cool, then I nominate YOU to set up a place and time for all of the SDN folks and their respective significant others, to meet for drinks! Party at Roja's place!!! 👍

- H
I'm going. Will bring my dancing shoes :scared:
See you there, edinOH! It will be nice to catch up.
edinOH said:
I'm going up for the residency fair and the chief resident's forum. I'm sure I'll take in a few lectures as well. When I'm not exploring the city that is.

Anyone else going?

I was going to go to the chief's forum, but I was the only one of the three that got CB'd with 5 nightshifts during that week. So I will not be in NYC this May.

I'm wondering how are many of the medstudents actually going to this thing? I would love to go but its during the middle of the week and im on my surgery rotation! Aren't most medical students that are note from NY in the same situation?
My whole intern class and several of the attendings will be going.
I'll be there Friday - Sunday. Looking forward to it!
There are definately some great bars. Mostly on the west side (fusion being my favorite... chill, great drinks, handles a rowdy SDN crowd well)

Are you guys staying on the east side?
roja said:
There are definately some great bars. Mostly on the west side (fusion being my favorite... chill, great drinks, handles a rowdy SDN crowd well)

Are you guys staying on the east side?

Most of the "Mayo Crew" is staying at the Warwick. Hey Roja, seriously, can you organize an SDN get together? Your home turf and all...

- H
FoughtFyr said:
Most of the "Mayo Crew" is staying at the Warwick. Hey Roja, seriously, can you organize an SDN get together? Your home turf and all...

- H

Absolutely. How many people and when is a good night?

Sounds like the weekend is good... maybe friday night?
I am on my surgery rotation for the next 2 months and will be in the middle of electives at the time of the conference (surgical electives, that is). Just wandering if it'll be worthwhile going to NYC all the way from main mission will be to get more info about applying to residencies and to talk to some of the programs at the residency fair. Any input? Thanks.
Its always worthwhile to come to NYC. 🙂 Depending on where you are thinking of applying, a residency fair is a good thing. Especially as EM is not the strongest presence in Texas. However, if its really difficult, (or not existant for someone like me when I was a fourth year) the SDN site and were really helpful. It is also helpful to start thinking about LOCATION (most important) and the 1-3, 1-4, 2-4 issue to help figure out where you are going to look at programs. Its to overwhelming if you don't.