Anyone want to guess at the number of unfilled spots this year?

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I know a surgical PA who is moonlighting doing prelim reads on neuro MRIs
Wonder how much he/she is getting paid for this gig? Unless this PA has some other significant formal radiology training background somewhere else, I doubt they would be helpful enough to justify their pay, instead of a radiologist just reading the whole scan by themselves. The radiologist signing off on these scans will likely either have to re-read the whole scan themselves (which would negate any efficiency gains of using the PA), or will be taking on a lot of unnecessary liability.

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People quit from the BWH and MGH programs with some frequency. I've spoken with several people that trained at either program and they have all said that on average, at least one person drops out of each class during training. Frequently it's to go into business or switch specialties. One time it was to go be an astronaut. I haven't heard about anyone getting booted out. That said, those programs do seem to select for people that don't actually want to be an ER doc. The want to use the pedigree to go be something else.

This can be said for MGH etc residencies in general.

A shockingly high percentage of graduates from those places aren’t actually practicing medicine years later.
Thanks for the links.
The following is not an argument, or is any way pointed at you, bro:

Is anyone else sick of kids and their "reaction videos"? I can read. Give me an article. I don't want to watch two smug millennials give each other handies about a niche topic for 27 minutes. Grow up, virgins.

Well, whatever you do don’t download the Tiktok app. Because I swear 90% of the garbage on Tiktok is exactly what is described in your last paragraph (except they cut them off after 90 seconds, or whatever).

I also agree that I have no idea why this video goes on for 27 minutes. I feel like all relevant points could have been conveyed within 27 seconds.
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