Anyone Gone through the gender transition process while in med school?

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7+ Year Member
May 2, 2015
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Just curious to know about how transitioning in medical school is like. I am planning on getting on T during my first year and hopefully top surgery in the next two years. When is the best time to have top surgery while in medical school and how did your peers and educators react to your physical changes as it happened throughout the course of the semester?

EDIT: I am aware that many medical schools also cover gender reassignment surgery under the student health insurance. Would love to know how it went out for people who took advantage of that!

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I transitioned prior to med school, so can't speak to what it's like to go through it as a medical student. In terms of surgery timing, though, I'd imagine that it would be most convenient to have top surgery during the summer between first and second year, since that's the only time when you're likely to have >2 weeks off (unless you carve out some time during fourth year between elective rotations, residency interviews, etc.).

Top surgery recovery isn't too bad, so you could probably get away with scheduling surgery at the very beginning of fall/winter/spring break, and be fit to sit in a lecture hall 1-2 weeks later. But I wouldn't want to push it, in case anything unexpected comes up.

(The timing issue was a big factor in my decision to have a hysto a few months before starting med school -- I wanted to leave that summer open for research, travel, etc., and didn't see many other good times for surgery.)
I started testosterone a few months before medical school. During that first year I went through the process of getting my name/documents changed. I also had top surgery during winter break of first year.My break was about 12 days. I had surgery the first day after classes ended. Going back was not that big of a deal -- sitting in lectures was fine, and i was past anatomy lab so no real physical activity required. I was tired and had to switch from my backpack to a different bag, but it was doable. Summer would also be a good time probably.
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UPDATE: It's been almost three years since I matriculated to medical school and I am happy to say that I am almost 2.5 years on HRT. I took my first shot of testosterone in the week of my white coat ceremony. For all the trans medical students out there, it is possible to medically transition and do well in school. I also had top surgery during summer break and the recovery didn't hinder any research opportunities (I was able to do research from the comfort of my home after talking to my PI). Please feel free to reach out to me if you are trans and have questions about transitioning in medical school 🙂. Love you all.
UPDATE: It's been almost three years since I matriculated to medical school and I am happy to say that I am almost 2.5 years on HRT. I took my first shot of testosterone in the week of my white coat ceremony. For all the trans medical students out there, it is possible to medically transition and do well in school. I also had top surgery during summer break and the recovery didn't hinder any research opportunities (I was able to do research from the comfort of my home after talking to my PI). Please feel free to reach out to me if you are trans and have questions about transitioning in medical school 🙂. Love you all.
Thank you so much for posting an update!

I am applying to medical school this summer. I have recently started to come out to my friends (and soon family) as transgender and it is encouraging to know that it is possible for me to begin transitioning during my first year and also to have top surgery during school.