Anyone interviewing at Temple, Sat 12/11, in late pm?

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I hope that this is not too inappropriate for the forum...

I am excited about my Temple interview on Sat 12/11 at 2pm, but traveling there is going to be tight. So I was hoping there is someone out there with a later time who would be willing to switch with me... I can throw in some dinner money if needed. If possible, please PM me... thanks!!

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d88 said:
I hope that this is not too inappropriate for the forum...

I am excited about my Temple interview on Sat 12/11 at 2pm, but traveling there is going to be tight. So I was hoping there is someone out there with a later time who would be willing to switch with me... I can throw in some dinner money if needed. If possible, please PM me... thanks!!

I'd be happy to trade my 3:15pm 12/10 date with you. But that probably wouldn't help you out very much, and might not be possible either!