Anyone know about transfering to USUHS from AD?

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The USUHS website is down right now, so I figured I would ask here and hopefully get the added benefit of personal experiences.

I'm a pre-med getting read to apply in the 2008-2009 school year. If I don't get an acceptance the first (or possibly second time around), one of the options I am considering is commissioning into the military to test out the military life and then applying to USUHS if I still think it is a route I want to take.

How does transferring work? Would you have finish your AD service commitment before applying to UHUHS or could you apply at any time? I read that 50% of the UHUHS student body are people are prior-AD. Is this because prior AD are more likely to go to UHUHS or because they are morel ikely to get accepted at UHUHS?

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I read that 50% of the UHUHS student body are people are prior-AD. Is this because prior AD are more likely to go to UHUHS or because they are morel ikely to get accepted at UHUHS?
Probably closer to 33% are prior service (I'm a '06 grad). The first option you mentioned is more likely, but some of the second is likely true also, although the admissions people are adamant that there is no preference for prior service.

Two points about your plan in general:

1. The military medical system differs in many ways from the "regular military". I can only speak to the army from personal experience, but USN and USAF friends tell me the same thing. It differs in some ways that are good, but some that are bad; the take-home point is: life in the militar does not really represent what life in the medical corps would be like

2. Acceptance as someone already on AD: yes, it can happen, but it requires your commanding officer's / branch approval - I don't remember the exact process, but if you are in a critically undermanned specialty, it is possible to get an acceptance to USUHS, but not get permission to attend. Not to mention, you'd have been out of pre-med for several years, study habits have atrophied, you may have to re-take the MCAT, etc.

If you have an active duty commitment from some other source (ROTC, West Point, etc) , then that commitment is added on to your USUHS commitment. Friends of mine in residency who went to west point & then USUHS have something like a 13 year commitment!

The same also applies to civilian medcial schools, although I am less sure of the process - you can get released from active duty early, but would likely have to still pay back the time later as an MD.

Good luck with the application process
You've got to get a letter of approval from your branch of service:

If you are thinking it would be easier to get into medical school through "the backdoor" I don't think that is the case...
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I'm also a newly commissioned Naval Officer who is hoping to go the backdoor route I believe you're speaking of. Only difference is that I'm not active duty, I'm reserves via the Direct Commission program and I am currently in the process of completing my pre-requisites with hopes of lateral trasferring into the HPSP or USUHS. I, like you, have the idea of trying out the reserves and getting a taste of the military before I hop into something like USUHS, but from what I've seen and experienced so far-- I LOVE THIS!!! serving has always appeared as an honor to me and being able to serve both my country and fellow man as a physician is a dream I stive towards. Yesterday, I was at a Blue Angels demonstration at our local air field in Fort Worth, and I have to tell you the idea of becoming a Flight Surgeon and getting to be in that environment appeals to me!! My main interest at this point is Psychiatry, but I feel that I'll be able to better prepare myself for my residency after doing one of those great tours the Navy affords you. I have to say I'm so pumped!!! It was a giant step taking that leap to go ahead and commission, and don't think I didn't worry over it and I definitely talked with many other officers who advised me to just jump and grab my commission b/c it was there for me and I would only regret it later... which I would have. So, I'm hoping it all works out for the best and am keeping a positive outlook on my transferring and am just ready for the adventures that lie ahead!
Thank you for the replies.

Just to clarify; while I was hoping being in the military would increase my chances of getting an acceptance (especially if I am not having luck in the application process) I wouldn't say I was looking for a back door in.

My main reasons for wanting to go AD first are:

i) My originals plans post-college were to become a military officer. I ended up giving this up because I fell in love with medicine and did not want to delay an already lengthy training process. If I don't find success in getting into medical school, then some time off to pursue another goal and reassess my desires seemed like a good route to go.

ii) To test out the lack of freedoms and family difficulties military service imposes on ones life and decide if I believe I can handle a longer commitment to that sort of life style. I realize lifestyle varies by branch and job (especially when looking at the scientist, engineering, and healthcare Officer positions), but I don;t imagine that their is that great of a difference in the fundamental freedoms you give up to join the military (where you live, when you work,etc.).
just a quick question. have you already finished your pre-reqs and are about to apply or are you doing sort of a Post-bacc thing? for. ex. I already have my bachelors and Masters in Business but had no science background. what is your degree in ? take care- here to help. p.s. I didn't mean backdoor getting into med school I meant like getting into the military and taking the transfer route into med. which is what I'm doing
beautiful I can see that you are in TX. where if you don't mind me asking? i'm in Dallas.