Anyone took Animal Behavior class? did AADSAS count it as Biology course?

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Aug 15, 2014
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So I recently posted that AADSAS counted my GPA incorrectly. I contacted AADSAS and they said "Animal Behavior" course did not count as a biology course. The course is in the biology curriculum at my college and was taught by the biology professor. The course number was BIO330 and we learned about the biological mechanisms of animal behaviors. When I contacted some dental schools in the spring regarding this course, all the schools said they will take it as an advanced biology course.

AADSAS is keep saying that they cannot make any changes... I got an A in this course and not having this counted toward BCP gpa really brought my GPA down :(
This is so frustrating.

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How do you know what it was counted as? mine just lists it as it appeared on my transcript

Subject: Animal Behavior
They want freshman biology 1 and 2. It sounds like bio 330 is a sophomore or a junior course.