AP Psych for Core PT Prerequisite

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7+ Year Member
Nov 23, 2013
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My daughter is working on her ptcas application as I am typing. She has questions about a lot of things, but right now she 's trying to figure out what to put for her core prerequisites. She got a five on her AP psych test back in high school, but that won't translate to a letter grade. She is taking developmental psych this upcoming fall semester, but obviously won't have a grade for it until December.

Since you can only put one course down for each core prerequisite, would it be better for her to put the AP class to show that it's been completed, or should she wait until she finishes dev. Psych in the fall? One other thing to note, she has not taken physics yet, either. She is taking the full one year sequence this year. She studied abroad for a semester last year, which is why she had to delay taking it. Her school is on the smaller side and only starts the course every fall. Will this influence whether or not she should hold off on the psych class?

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Generally, you can have outstanding prerequisites and still be considered for PT school in any given admissions cycle. How many prereqs outstanding depends entirely on the school. I'd recommend checking PTCAS's webpage for her schools to see if they have information regarding their prereq policy (i.e. how many may be oustanding). If there is no information there, I would suggest looking over the school's PT page. As a last resort I'd say just email who is in charge of admissions for the program. Then you'll at least have email confirmation.

I'm not sure what you mean as far as the physics question. Do you mean should she hold off and take psych after her physics course?
Thanks. She actually misinterpreted the instructions a little bit. She gets it now. For some reason she thought she could only enter one psych course, even though many programs require two.

I see my question about physics was confusing , too. Basically, she was wondering if she should put the general psych course in rather than the later psych she is taking so that she would only have the physics outstanding, but she realizes her error. (She somehow thought she could only put ONE class down for psych, and since I guess they don't calculate AP courses into the gpa, she didn't know if she should put it down or not. Clear as mud, right?)

Anyhow, she realizes her error. She read the instructions the wrong way. Good grief, she I'd only beginning the process and already she is stressed out. Can't wait to see what she's like in another month or two when perhaps someone doesn't return a rec in a timely manner or verify hours. She's going to be a real joy!
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Thanks. She actually misinterpreted the instructions a little bit. She gets it now. For some reason she thought she could only enter one psych course, even though many programs require two.

I see my question about physics was confusing , too. Basically, she was wondering if she should put the general psych course in rather than the later psych she is taking so that she would only have the physics outstanding, but she realizes her error. (She somehow thought she could only put ONE class down for psych, and since I guess they don't calculate AP courses into the gpa, she didn't know if she should put it down or not. Clear as mud, right?)

Anyhow, she realizes her error. She read the instructions the wrong way. Good grief, she I'd only beginning the process and already she is stressed out. Can't wait to see what she's like in another month or two when perhaps someone doesn't return a rec in a timely manner or verify hours. She's going to be a real joy!

No problem! I'm right here with you as a first time applicant. There is always grey area with these things. PTCAS may say the minimum gpa is 3.2, for example, but a quick email to the admissions staff may confirm that they are willing to make exceptions based on x..y...z.... I've done quite a bit of emailing to confirm where I stand with each school. Mainly to make sure I don't apply to a school that absolutely won't give me the time of day.

Stress is normal in this situation I'm afraid but just encourage her to stay the course! It's a marathon not a sprint!
The issue seems to be resolved, but I would also double-check with the programs to see if they will accept an AP credit for a core prerequisite, as many will not.