Appearance of workload

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7+ Year Member
Feb 8, 2015
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So next semester I'm probably going to be taking Orgo (4 credits), Calc (4 credits), Statistics (4 credits), and Bio lab (1 credit). I'm also researching, which is 4 credits. All together, this comes to 17 credits.

I actually don't have room to take another class, since the minimum would be 3 credits, and my max credits per term is 19 for next semester. Does it look bad or anything that I'm basically only taking 3 classes?

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Not at all. 17 credits is 17 credits.
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I don't think this workload is too much or too little. Are you paying for the four hour research course?
I don't think this workload is too much or too little. Are you paying for the four hour research course?

It's not a research course. I'm doing research in a PT lab for credit.

I really don't know what kind of neuroticism fuels the thought of 17 credits being too little.
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Dude, you're taking 17 units. It's perfectly fine. Even just taking 12 units, full-time, would be fine. Don't overthink this and be all neurotic.
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Dude, you're taking 17 units. It's perfectly fine. Even just taking 12 units, full-time, would be fine. Don't overthink this and be all neurotic.
Ok, wait– update.

I know I'm probably being neurotic, but listen–

What if I take, instead of calc, a GER that I need, like philosophy.


Orgo (4)
Stats (4)
Philosophy (4)
Bio Lab (1)
Bio Research (4)

Ok, wait– update.

I know I'm probably being neurotic, but listen–

What if I take, instead of calc, a GER that I need, like philosophy.


Orgo (4)
Stats (4)
Philosophy (4)
Bio Lab (1)
Bio Research (4)


You do know that the number of credits you're taking is going to be visible, right? I don't understand what you're worried about or what you're trying to achieve.
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Ok, wait– update.

I know I'm probably being neurotic, but listen–

What if I take, instead of calc, a GER that I need, like philosophy.


Orgo (4)
Stats (4)
Philosophy (4)
Bio Lab (1)
Bio Research (4)


It's the same number of credits, so the work would be about the same. Why do the number of classes matter so much to you? I promise, no one cares. Like I said before, you could be doing 12 units and it'd be fine. Chill out.
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