Application Home Stretch, 2016/2017

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Jun 11, 2014
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As the title states, we are coming towards the home stretch of this application cycle.

How is everyone feeling with how the cycle has gone? Stressed? Glad its coming to an end? Anything you learned throughout the application process that you would pass onto the next applicants? I also understand not everyone who wanted to get in has yet and being someone who had to apply twice, I understand that situation and definitely learned from the first time to help this time so don't be discouraged if that happened if PT is truly what you want.

Just was curious to see how everyone is feeling.

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The application was STRESSFUL! It seemed like an eternity. Im having mixed emotions right now because I only got into one school, so I don't really have any choice. The school I got in have cold and snowy winters which I am not use to, and it seems that no one really knows about that school. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy I got in a school because it's getting to that time where I have to start thinking about a 401k rather than doing another year of studying. I am so nervous. I know this is something I want to do, and I wish someone can me think, it's ok that this school is expensive, and that it is going to pay off. I also would like to move back to the west coast, so it's scary that all my connections I will make will be in the east. This is my first time applying, and although I would like to be in the west at a cheaper school (this schools fees are astronomical 🙁) there are no guarantees that I will get in next round.

Should I feel better and look forward and bite the bullet and just do it? Is anyone else feeling the same way? It's so far away from what I am familiar with, and so expensive. Maybe I need to make a pro and con list.
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The application was STRESSFUL! It seemed like an eternity. Im having mixed emotions right now because I only got into one school, so I don't really have any choice. The school I got in have cold and snowy winters which I am not use to, and it seems that no one really knows about that school. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy I got in a school because it's getting to that time where I have to start thinking about a 401k rather than doing another year of studying. I am so nervous. I know this is something I want to do, and I wish someone can me think, it's ok that this school is expensive, and that it is going to pay off. I also would like to move back to the west coast, so it's scary that all my connections I will make will be in the east. This is my first time applying, and although I would like to be in the west at a cheaper school (this schools fees are astronomical 🙁) there are no guarantees that I will get in next round.

Should I feel better and look forward and bite the bullet and just do it? Is anyone else feeling the same way? It's so far away from what I am familiar with, and so expensive. Maybe I need to make a pro and con list.
Coming from someone who's applied the last 3 cycles (finally got in this year), go to the school you've been accepted to. For some of us it takes multiple application cycles to finally get an acceptance. Like you said, there's no guarantee that you will be accepted the following cycle. Most students will come out of grad school with debt so you're not alone there. Who knows, you might just come to enjoy your new surroundings. Plus, this process is stressful and time intensive enough, do you really want to put yourself through this again next year?
Coming from someone who's applied the last 3 cycles (finally got in this year), go to the school you've been accepted to. For some of us it takes multiple application cycles to finally get an acceptance. Like you said, there's no guarantee that you will be accepted the following cycle. Most students will come out of grad school with debt so you're not alone there. Who knows, you might just come to enjoy your new surroundings. Plus, this process is stressful and time intensive enough, do you really want to put yourself through this again next year?
Going through the process was so stressful. We're not getting any older. How are you feeling about finally getting in and when do you start your program? Excited? What are some emotions you (or anyone) feeling?
Going through the process is SUPER stressful.

Definitely start early, brainstorm your essay ideas ASAP. Get your volunteer hours done, confirm your references early (at least a month early), and secure all the money you need to pay for your application. I know a few people who applied to many schools that required 2 PT references but they didn't get their references in on time because they didn't ask early enough. Once you submit your app, check weekly to see if anything is missing or any documents need to be submitted. Make sure all contact information is correct.

At the end, I feel a lot better. Got into my top 2 choices and declined all other interviews/waitlists as soon as I could have.
Going through the process was so stressful. We're not getting any older. How are you feeling about finally getting in and when do you start your program? Excited? What are some emotions you (or anyone) feeling?

I must say, my plan is to get older! :nod: and I know you were responding to the other person but I am super relieved to have gotten in and very excited to begin the next step. I know it will be hard but it's what I want to learn about so I am excited for it.
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Going through the process was so stressful. We're not getting any older. How are you feeling about finally getting in and when do you start your program? Excited? What are some emotions you (or anyone) feeling?
I am incredibly excited to start at my program in August. I finally have a sense of relief and know that all my hard work wasn't in vain. I am more than ready to work hard these next 3 years; after all, now is when the real work starts. I'm sure the nerves will kick in once August approaches but for now I'm enjoying my new found reality that I will finally get to pursue my dream. When does your program start?