applying "broadly" enough?

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Aug 21, 2009
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That's probably fine, for the most part. It might be a tad top-heavy but not too bad. I'd take off Loma Linda unless you're SDA, though.
You should add University of Illinois
I hear they're CA friendly
although I might be mistaken
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You should add University of Illinois
I hear they're CA friendly
although I might be mistaken
You are correct, and so is Rosalind Franklin.

(Side comment: Your community service that blossomed into teaching and leadership over nine years could make you a poster child for an example of perfect community involvement.)
too top heavy. but i dunt really mind.

safety heavy is more annoying than top heavy.
its always nice to try your luck :)
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what are some safeties you guys would recommend me adding?

could U of Illinois or Rosalind Franklin be considered a safety with my stats?
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what are some safeties you guys would recommend me adding?

could U of Illinois or Rosalind Franklin be considered a safety with my stats?

U of Illinois says on their website that their average gpa/MCAT last year was 3.5ish/30 so I think it could be considered a safety, although not as safe as some lower stat schools. Probably have a better chance there than Loma Linda unless you're SDA.
USC seems to be a glaring omission as I think you'd br very competitive.
Very competitive. Only average-ly competitive in CA due to GPA, but state residency can make up for that.