Applying for away rotations

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10+ Year Member
Jan 21, 2013
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I posted this in clinical rotations but didn't receive an answer. I can't seem to get a straight answer about this issue

So I'm applying to do a couple of away rotations but some of the institutions don't process applications until late (June). I was wondering if I should apply to a back up place which I would reject if my first choice accepted me. I've heard rumors that places you reject away rotation offers from places, they do not want to interview you when you apply for residency. Is this true?


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I posted this in clinical rotations but didn't receive an answer. I can't seem to get a straight answer about this issue

So I'm applying to do a couple of away rotations but some of the institutions don't process applications until late (June). I was wondering if I should apply to a back up place which I would reject if my first choice accepted me. I've heard rumors that places you reject away rotation offers from places, they do not want to interview you when you apply for residency. Is this true?


No. I rejected away rotations from two places that ended up interviewing me when I was applying for externships.

If it really bothers your paranoia that much just send an email to them being like "I STILL LOVE YOU" in a more professional way.