Are there any hospitals/groups that first-start 8:30?

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Lost in Translation

7+ Year Member
Jul 1, 2015
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These 7:30 starts just don’t do well with my sleep cycle for whatever reason.

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I don’t know of any hospitals that have 830 first start every day. Maybe a ASC might be start later, but I’ve never worked in one of those. Several places I’ve worked have 700 or 730 most days, but will have 8 or 830 one day a week so they can hold department/team meetings that day.

Should note that as an attending, you can have more control over your schedule, but it will depend on block time availability etc, so it’s not completely in your control. You can try to get an elective schedule that starts later, but you’ll be at the mercy of whoever gets the actual first start time in the room before you.
In community practice here (no residents). I usually start at 8 or 8:30. It's way better for me than starting earlier. We don't require each room to start at a certain time, but we can't start before 0730 unless you get an exception or it's a call case. I'm not the only one who tends to not start at 0730 either...
Veterans Affairs

Alternative (only slightly kidding): consider living near the border of a time zone change
Are you a resident or looking for your first attending job? And which specialty?
Resident nearing my final year so starting to look for potential positions. OBGYN.

In community practice here (no residents). I usually start at 8 or 8:30. It's way better for me than starting earlier. We don't require each room to start at a certain time, but we can't start before 0730 unless you get an exception or it's a call case. I'm not the only one who tends to not start at 0730 either...
Interesting. Even 8a would feel better. For some reason even if I get a solid 8h of sleep the night before, when I wake up at 6:30 to make it to work at 6:45-7:00 for a 7:30 start on an OR day I don’t feel awake-awake until the patient is asleep at 7:45-8. But on clinic days, I can wake up at 7 and make it to work at 7:15-7:30 and I’ll still be wide awake by 7:45-8.
Ew OB-GYN. good luck. I'm palliative which was a conscious choice. First patient at 9:30, or 9:00 at the earliest. I show up to work between 8-8:30 which is still slightly earlier than I'd like.

I woke up early for years (med school, residency) and it sucked for me. I'm a night owl by temperament.
Resident nearing my final year so starting to look for potential positions. OBGYN.

Interesting. Even 8a would feel better. For some reason even if I get a solid 8h of sleep the night before, when I wake up at 6:30 to make it to work at 6:45-7:00 for a 7:30 start on an OR day I don’t feel awake-awake until the patient is asleep at 7:45-8. But on clinic days, I can wake up at 7 and make it to work at 7:15-7:30 and I’ll still be wide awake by 7:45-8.

Unless I'm missing something, there is a way to get 8 hours of sleep and still make it to the hospital by 7 for a 7:30 first-start.
Don’t know any official first starts that late but plenty of people have blocks that start later. My main block starts at 7:15 one day a week but I’ve added a second half day block that starts at 12:30 on a different day.

I’m sure you could set up your schedule where you operate in the afternoons or start a good bit later. It really depends on what’s available where you end up. You can also try not having block time at all and just only book cases at later times. Some PP surgeons in my community do this, though it sounds pretty miserable always having to squeeze cases on.

Biggest drawback to not having a first start is that you’re at the mercy of the surgeons ahead of you to finish on time. That alone is enough to keep me getting up extra early once a week!
Unless I'm missing something, there is a way to get 8 hours of sleep and still make it to the hospital by 7 for a 7:30 first-start.
They said they were experiencing this even with 8 hours. Their point was that even though the amount of sleep is the same the earlier start time seems to mess them up.

On another note the timing of getting up and being at work 15 minutes later is so foreign to me. Dragging three kids to daycare every morning will really slow you down. I think the fastest I go from walking up to being ready to work is an hour and a half… 🥸