Army National Guard

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Dec 24, 2019
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Hi all,

So HPSP didn't work out for me. I've heard some good things about the guard and the possibilities for them to help with medical school. Does anyone have any insight into this? Am I better off trying to get loan repayment from the reserves after residency?


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Hi all,

So HPSP didn't work out for me. I've heard some good things about the guard and the possibilities for them to help with medical school. Does anyone have any insight into this? Am I better off trying to get loan repayment from the reserves after residency?


Going enlisted or officer in guard or reserves while in medical school is probably not going to be a good idea. Unless you have a very laid back CO, you're going to be expected to attend battle assembly ever month and attend schools for the military and also attend summer camp each year. Most CO's are not going to give you a pass because you are in medical school.

I would suggest take the loans, live cheap, finish medical school, then hit up the reserves or guard for some good loan repayment or cash bonuses when you finish medical school.
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Look into FAP for residents. Also, the signing bonus for 'direct accession' (joining active duty after residency) can be pretty high, even enough to entirely pay off debt. Signing for ortho after residency is >$300k for example.
Army Reserves MDSSP will keep you out of drill during medical school with stipend payments. If you match critical wartime shortage specialty in residency you can take STRAP and also get the stipend and be protected from drill while in residency.

NG typically makes you drill but can be command dependent.
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