At what point do you decline an II?

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All grown up!
10+ Year Member
Sep 18, 2013
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Title speaks for itself. These are II 6 and 7. I do have one acceptance and 3 post-interview rejections which just shows that I do struggle with interviews.....

Should I just attend them for the practice? I LOVE the school I got into, I'm just not sure if I should explore all my options. What if I like these schools?

I know people here have worse issues with no II or acceptances, but I need to let these schools ASAP, to schedule or allow others a chance.

Just advice needed..

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For practice? No. You can donate that money to me if you want to waste it, hahaha.

If you have an interest in the school, would consider attending it, or are at least curious about exploring it in the chance that you will love those schools then go for it. There is no need for practice though
I declined/canceled IIs after I got into schools that I would pick over those schools. Same with preemptively withdrawing. If you think there is a chance you would attend a school over one you've gotten into, then go. If not, then don't. I would notify them of your decision to withdraw with at least a week's notice so that they can find another interviewee.
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If you are 100% positive you would attend the school you're accepted to over the school you're declining the II from, despite financial aid differences. Or if your bank account simply can't take the hurt anymore.
I mean it's really up to you at this point. Go, don't go - doesn't really matter if you have an acceptance
You stop when you can't afford the plane ticket.

For some people, this is before they finish their first secondary.
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If you'd rather go to the school you have an acceptance to regardless of whether or not you get into this other school, cancel the interview
I turned down my last 2 II because I realized that no matter how much I would love those schools, there would be no way I would attend those schools over the ones that had already accepted me due to personal reasons (family + significant other). Once I realized that, I withdrew from those schools, as well as all other schools for the same reason.
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I declined/canceled IIs after I got into schools that I would pick over those schools. Same with preemptively withdrawing. If you think there is a chance you would attend a school over one you've gotten into, then go. If not, then don't. I would notify them of your decision to withdraw with at least a week's notice so that they can find another interviewee.
For me, I'm not incredibly worried about loans (I have very little due to my post-bac) and more concerned about who will prepare me the best/best atmosphere/most opportunity. Knock me if you will, but those are my own priorities.
So the II would have to come from an institution with greater/equal value (with my aforementioned qualities I look for) than my top, accepted choice. Everyone else I would withdraw from.
I think you should go, even if you are already happy with your first acceptance. I almost didn't attend one interview because I was like "Oh, I won't go there anyway" and then I LOVED IT and now can't decide where to go. You really never know!

Also, how do you know what kind of financial aid package each school is going to give you? What if you get a merit scholarship from one of these schools?
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If you can see yourself at II 6 or 7 over your current acceptance, then go. Keep in mind that schools can pleasantly surprise you. If you don't though, decline the offer and let someone else get that II!
I am making my med school choice largely based on cost, so I would not turn down an interview (keep in mind I only applied to schools I would actually attend). But that is just me!
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If you got into school B, would you still want to go to school A? What if B gave you an awesome financial aid/scholarship package?
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Title speaks for itself. These are II 6 and 7. I do have one acceptance and 3 post-interview rejections which just shows that I do struggle with interviews.....

Should I just attend them for the practice? I LOVE the school I got into, I'm just not sure if I should explore all my options. What if I like these schools?

I know people here have worse issues with no II or acceptances, but I need to let these schools ASAP, to schedule or allow others a chance.

Just advice needed..
I'm concerned you're tempted to cancel the interviews because you're afraid of interviewing again. You think you'll perform poorly, so you don't want to go. (And trust me, I am exactly the same way) BUT if you think there's any chance you'll like these schools more than the one you've been accepted at, you need to go. It's one day of discomfort versus four years of reward.

If my internal armchair psychologist is correct, you should also really give yourself a huuuuuge pep-talk before your next interviews, because your feelings about your interview skills might become a self fulfilling prophecy. You CAN do this.

It's also totally possible that I'm projecting my own insecurities/situation onto you, so please disregard if I'm way off.
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If you don't want to go to either school over the one that you've been accepted to, then don't go. You're wasting your time, your money, and a II spot for someone else if you're going just to practice.
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If there's even a smidgen of a chance you'd go to the school, attend the interview. If you know you're wasting their time and yours, decline.
If you don't want to go to either school over the one that you've been accepted to, then don't go. You're wasting your time, your money, and a II spot for someone..
He's not wasting a spot anymore than someone holding multiple acceptance waiting for scholarship/financial aid.
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He's not wasting a spot anymore than someone holding multiple acceptance waiting for scholarship/financial aid.

Not if he knows for a fact that he wouldn't go there anyway. At least those other people are still considering attending in which case, I do not fault them.
I turned down II 7 through II 9 because I was sick of interviews. I'm going to interview 10 because its a better school than what I currently am accepted to.
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Are you happy with the school that accepted you? Can you see yourself there for the next for years?

If you can sleep on it and not worry about it, then it's safe to decline the interview.

But if you're having any qualms about the accept, go for the interview.

Title speaks for itself. These are II 6 and 7. I do have one acceptance and 3 post-interview rejections which just shows that I do struggle with interviews.....

Should I just attend them for the practice? I LOVE the school I got into, I'm just not sure if I should explore all my options. What if I like these schools?

I know people here have worse issues with no II or acceptances, but I need to let these schools ASAP, to schedule or allow others a chance.

Just advice needed..
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You decline it when you're done with applying. Honestly, since you self-admitted your interview skills aren't that great I wouldn't bother going through a crapshoot that could easily burn you out, unless the school is close or highly desirable for you, then go interview.
I'm concerned you're tempted to cancel the interviews because you're afraid of interviewing again. You think you'll perform poorly, so you don't want to go. (And trust me, I am exactly the same way) BUT if you think there's any chance you'll like these schools more than the one you've been accepted at, you need to go. It's one day of discomfort versus four years of reward.

If my internal armchair psychologist is correct, you should also really give yourself a huuuuuge pep-talk before your next interviews, because your feelings about your interview skills might become a self fulfilling prophecy. You CAN do this.

It's also totally possible that I'm projecting my own insecurities/situation onto you, so please disregard if I'm way off.

I honestly have a feeling it's relating to that too. Im scared of flopping yet another interview. Long drives also give me some that does come into play here.

Also got II#8 today and im at a total loss.
I've been fortunate to receive 4 acceptances at a variety of schools, one of which is one of my top 3 choices. As such, I declined II 11 & 12 after thinking over each for 5-7 days.

For me, location and research opportunities are more important than cost. Therefore, I eliminated number 11 was based on location, and number 12 based on research opportunities. I don't regret withdrawing from 11 AT ALL. But I do have moments where I think, "oh I could have been happy at 12, and I shouldn't have let the inconvenience of going to interview dissuade me." Although I still think it would take a lot of incentive (monetarily) to make me pick 12 over the school I'm currently planning to attend.

So moral of the story is, make sure you're turning down any II for the RIGHT reasons, whatever these may be for you
I honestly have a feeling it's relating to that too. Im scared of flopping yet another interview. Long drives also give me some that does come into play here.

Also got II#8 today and im at a total loss.
I definitely understand what you're feeling. Subjective yourself to possible rejection is terrifying.

It's so important that you picture yourself at these schools... Does the thought of going there make you feel excited? Would you feel inclined to go there over the school you've been accepted at?

Clearly you did something right by getting into a medical school already! You must have aced that interview. You can do it again.
Title speaks for itself. These are II 6 and 7. I do have one acceptance and 3 post-interview rejections which just shows that I do struggle with interviews.....

Should I just attend them for the practice? I LOVE the school I got into, I'm just not sure if I should explore all my options. What if I like these schools?

I know people here have worse issues with no II or acceptances, but I need to let these schools ASAP, to schedule or allow others a chance.

Just advice needed..

Valentine's Day is fast approaching. Take the money you were going to spend on things related to attending these interviews to take your mama and/or SO out for dinner.
Hint: your SO could be your Left Hand if you so choose :laugh:
Just an update:
thanks for all the advice, everyone! I ended up withdrawing my application from the two schools I was referring to earlier, however, I'd received two more II in the meantime, and Ive decided to attend both. I couldn't say no to Dartmouth!
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