Audition rotation rejection

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Apr 20, 2020
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I just received a rejection from my number two spot for an audition rotation. There wasn’t much in the email other than “we can’t offer you a spot at this time to rotate, best of luck in the remainder of your school year.” My question is- does this hurt my chances at an interview come the season? Also, if I’m in town how would you guys feel about me just sending an email to see if I can come by to shake someone’s hand and giving a CV?
Thank you in advance guys!
PS- I have other non-VSAS audition rotations I have been accepted to as well as some pending in VSAS if/when they reopen those.

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You dont need to drop by and drop off a cv. Your cv will be on eras and they can get it like any other applicant. Asking to drop by after they rejected you for rotation just makes you look overbearing in my opinion.

You may still have a chance of interviewing. We can’t accommodate every student that applies, but I look at every application of anyone who applies for rotation to our program when it comes time to sending out interview invites and prioritize inviting the people that it applied for rotation because I know they have interest, assuming their app is ok. So all hope is not necessarily lost. I just wouldn’t push the envelope and try to force your foot in the door, because I think you just risk potentially shooting yourself in the foot.
I just received a rejection from my number two spot for an audition rotation. There wasn’t much in the email other than “we can’t offer you a spot at this time to rotate, best of luck in the remainder of your school year.” My question is- does this hurt my chances at an interview come the season? Also, if I’m in town how would you guys feel about me just sending an email to see if I can come by to shake someone’s hand and giving a CV?
Thank you in advance guys!
PS- I have other non-VSAS audition rotations I have been accepted to as well as some pending in VSAS if/when they reopen those.
No. Don’t ask to show up
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I just received a rejection from my number two spot for an audition rotation. There wasn’t much in the email other than “we can’t offer you a spot at this time to rotate, best of luck in the remainder of your school year.” My question is- does this hurt my chances at an interview come the season? Also, if I’m in town how would you guys feel about me just sending an email to see if I can come by to shake someone’s hand and giving a CV?
Thank you in advance guys!
PS- I have other non-VSAS audition rotations I have been accepted to as well as some pending in VSAS if/when they reopen those.

Don’t stop by or offer to stop by - that sounds like something that could get you blackballed - it’s just kind of weird. It would probably be ok to send the PC an email saying something to the effect of “I’m very disappointed to hear that you didn’t have a spot for me at this time. Please know that I’m very interested in your program. If someone cancels or you decide to increase your number of visiting students, please let me know.”
No this doesn’t necessarily hurt your interview chances. I got rejected for a rotation at one of my top places and then got an early interview there later on.

As everyone else said, do not show up over there. If you apply to them for residency and don’t hear anything by November, shoot them an email outlining your interest and fit.
I just received a rejection from my number two spot for an audition rotation. There wasn’t much in the email other than “we can’t offer you a spot at this time to rotate, best of luck in the remainder of your school year.” My question is- does this hurt my chances at an interview come the season? Also, if I’m in town how would you guys feel about me just sending an email to see if I can come by to shake someone’s hand and giving a CV?
Thank you in advance guys!
PS- I have other non-VSAS audition rotations I have been accepted to as well as some pending in VSAS if/when they reopen those.
I matched at a program that denied me for 3 away EM months and 2 US months. Just maximize the aways you do get and you can still get an interview.
So many people apply for an away and so many people apply for interviews, it is unlikely they would remember you were rejected for an away; often times different people are runnings these parts of the residency as well.