AV fistulas and pressure-volume loops.

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Apr 12, 2017
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Hey guys! This is my first post! I have a quick question about AV fistulas. I understand that it would be a L to R shunt, increasing venous return. Therefore, LV volume would increase on a pressure-volume loop. However, at the same time, UWorld says LV pressure would decrease. Why is that? Since you're bringing more blood into the LV (increased volume), wouldn't the LV pressure increase as well? Thanks!

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Hey guys! This is my first post! I have a quick question about AV fistulas. I understand that it would be a L to R shunt, increasing venous return. Therefore, LV volume would increase on a pressure-volume loop. However, at the same time, UWorld says LV pressure would decrease. Why is that? Since you're bringing more blood into the LV (increased volume), wouldn't the LV pressure increase as well? Thanks!
Decreased afterload. The PV loop gets shorter and fatter.
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