AZCOM Secondary

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Apr 19, 2004
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Hey guys...i'm working on the AZCOM secondary and I had a question. For the cirriculum vitae, they ask for hobbies and nonacademic interest. Do you just make a list or add descriptions? What kind of things did you guys list?

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NOT SUre but i'm in the same situation
I did list a few hobbies that I have (e.g. "Guitar, Tennis, Travelling"); for the last one I said specifically where I went but that's about it. The rest are pretty self explanatory, and if they want to know more, I figure they can ask about it.
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I didn't have hobbies, etc on my current CV, but added them just for this occasion. Just put a few on there, I think 3 or so.
Helicon2 said:
I did list a few hobbies that I have (e.g. "Guitar, Tennis, Travelling"); for the last one I said specifically where I went but that's about it. The rest are pretty self explanatory, and if they want to know more, I figure they can ask about it.
Yeah exactly...I did the same. Its just a CV...more or less a resume. I wouldn't get detailed. It will give something to talk about at the interview. Like, if your interviewer didn't know what the heck tennis was...well there you go, perfect ice-breaker to the interview :D