Bad Grades

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Jan 10, 2011
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I graduated from a university with a Degree in Biology and a 2.15GPA :? I graduated about 3 years ago.

I want to apply for dental school and my GPA will never reach a 3.0 unless I retake something like 40 credit hours. Essentially my science GPA is the same as my cumulative. I am willing to do like 15 credit hours, but 40 is a lot.

Is there anyone that has had such a circumstance and still has been admitted into dental school?

I'm going to guess based on my MCAT score (don't ask why I even took it) that I could probably get a 20 or 21 on the DAT.

Thoughts are welcome, but anyone who has a friend or has done it themselves are very much more welcomed..


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I graduated from a university with a Degree in Biology and a 2.15GPA :? I graduated about 3 years ago.

I want to apply for dental school and my GPA will never reach a 3.0 unless I retake something like 40 credit hours. Essentially my science GPA is the same as my cumulative. I am willing to do like 15 credit hours, but 40 is a lot.

I'm willing to bet this is a TROLL

I mean you cant be serious that you want to go to dental school and just want to retake only 15 units. Many people on this forum retake alot more than that, do a masters, post-bac, and do everything they can do to get into dental school.

You need to be willing to do alot more then 40 credit hours since there is no grade replacement. Only grade averages. You need to pull your grades up to at least 3.3-3.4 to realistically have a shot, and I'm assuming you have a 2.15 GPA with around ~120 units. That means you need alot more than 40 units to pull up to 3.3-3.4. GL with your decision if you decide to pursue it.
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I'm willing to bet this is a TROLL

I mean you cant be serious that you want to go to dental school and just want to retake only 15 units. Many people on this forum retake alot more than that, do a masters, post-bac, and do everything they can do to get into dental school.

You need to be willing to do alot more then 40 credit hours. You need to pull your grades up to at least 3.3-3.4 to realistically have a shot, and I'm assuming you have a 2.15 GPA with around ~124 units. That means you need alot more than 40 units to pull up to 3.3-3.4. If you want it, you need to be realistic and realize its going to be a long long long road.

Thats why I was asking. I am well aware of medical school standards as I was technically pre-med once upon a time, but I know very little about the dental application process. I am trying to learn. Thanks for your help!

Any other thoughts are still welcomed :)

What is a troll by the way?
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I graduated from a university with a Degree in Biology and a 2.15GPA :? I graduated about 3 years ago.

I want to apply for dental school and my GPA will never reach a 3.0 unless I retake something like 40 credit hours. Essentially my science GPA is the same as my cumulative. I am willing to do like 15 credit hours, but 40 is a lot.

Is there anyone that has had such a circumstance and still has been admitted into dental school?

I'm going to guess based on my MCAT score (don't ask why I even took it) that I could probably get a 20 or 21 on the DAT.

Thoughts are welcome, but anyone who has a friend or has done it themselves are very much more welcomed..


Wahaha. You are willing to take 15 hours to remedy a 2.15 GPA. I like your style, sir/ma'am. I don't even know you but with full confidence, I can say that you are: Ruthless. Devoted. An Overkiller.
Just did the math and assuming your degree only required you 120 credits to graduate and assuming you did take 40 hours, earning all A's for those, your GPA would rise up to a 2.6-something. But stick with the 15, just to be ballsy. Send the adcoms a message.
Honestly, you are going to need a lot more than 15 hours. Or a master's program. Or a father that is the president of ADA. Or the willingness to do "anything" with/for the president of the ADA.
But you guys aren't really being much help.

If I took 90 credit hours, and got straight A's then I would still only have a 3.033 GPA. Some people get into Dental with just 90 hours.

If I took 120 credit hours and got straight A's then I would have a 3.14. And a second degree...

There has to be a reasonable amount to retake, anything over 60 would suggest that I should just get a masters degree.

Ideas.. comments??
But you guys aren't really being much help.

If I took 90 credit hours, and got straight A's then I would still only have a 3.033 GPA. Some people get into Dental with just 90 hours.

If I took 120 credit hours and got straight A's then I would have a 3.14. And a second degree...

There has to be a reasonable amount to retake, anything over 60 would suggest that I should just get a masters degree.

Ideas.. comments??

Hmm, I'll be realistic. If you did take 90-120 credit hours and got up to 3.14...than still the chances don't look that great. Lots of schools filter out applications by numbers. Yes your huge upward trend would be a great selling point...but numbers are the bottom line followed by EC's etc.

I would delve into the "Under 3.0 Club." It has alot of good information.

Edit: Found it! Theres two parts, Part 1 and 2

Lots of excellent information. I wish you the best if you decide to pursue it =)
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Sweet I found the "Under 3.0 Club"!

Also, I found this thread on post bacc degrees.

Because I don't see the point of retaking 90 credit hours of stuff I already know, but because of laziness and ignorance and stupidity, I missed classes and tests. I have like 7 Fs because I thought I dropped the classes and come end of semester I was still in them I guess. Tried to argue them already to no use.

And my MCAT score was a 34 so I can handle the material, I just was more interested in girls than school.
If you are only willing to do 15 credits than you will never outcompete the other applicants that go above and beyond, study their butts off, shadow, volunteer and are determined to do more than the minimum requirement. Go get your masters/post bac, prove that you can handle high credits per term, get a high DAT score to prove your intelligence, shadow and volunteer to show that you really want to be a dentist as well as a provider for the community and have awesome LOR's. You have to want it more than everyone else to get it. Good luck with everything.
Check out the under 3.0 forum. You are not alone, but if you really want to become a dentist, you have a lot of repair work ahead of you. I just finished taking 54 hours (all A's) and finally brought my GPA above a 2.5. I will stay in undergrad for 2 1/2 more years and be a little above a 3.0 at that time. I never finished my undergrad degree and have been out of school for many years. Some choose to take tons of undergrad classes, while others choose to earn a Masters degree.

I highly advise you to invest $35 and purchase a copy of ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools. It has detailed stats on admission criteria for all US and Canadian Dental schools.

Also, you will need to shadow a few dentists. The requirements vary depending on the school, but many require 80-100+ hours. You want to make sure you really want to pursue dentistry before you invest this much time.

Are you certain you want to become a dentist and not a physician? My husband's a physician (and I have NO desire to become one), and I know lots of MD's and DO's. The application process for DO schools is usually pretty forgiving. For example, they replace your grade if you retake a class, but that's not the case for dental schools (both are averaged into your GPA).

Dental school admissions have become very competitive. It won't be easy, but it can be done. Good luck!
Check out the under 3.0 forum. You are not alone, but if you really want to become a dentist, you have a lot of repair work ahead of you. I just finished taking 54 hours (all A's) and finally brought my GPA above a 2.5. I will stay in undergrad for 2 1/2 more years and be a little above a 3.0 at that time. I never finished my undergrad degree and have been out of school for many years. Some choose to take tons of undergrad classes, while others choose to earn a Masters degree.

I highly advise you to invest $35 and purchase a copy of ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools. It has detailed stats on admission criteria for all US and Canadian Dental schools.

Also, you will need to shadow a few dentists. The requirements vary depending on the school, but many require 80-100+ hours. You want to make sure you really want to pursue dentistry before you invest this much time.

Are you certain you want to become a dentist and not a physician? My husband's a physician (and I have NO desire to become one), and I know lots of MD's and DO's. The application process for DO schools is usually pretty forgiving. For example, they replace your grade if you retake a class, but that's not the case for dental schools (both are averaged into your GPA).

Dental school admissions have become very competitive. It won't be easy, but it can be done. Good luck!

Thanks for the great advice and positive attitude. I am not looking to sneak into the system, just curious what people do. But since I have found the other threads I will look there.

Also I didn't know about the D.O. grade replacement policy because I have retaken all of the classes that I did poorly in. Interesting thought...thanks! (too bad my MCAT score is over 5 years old...thats okay, im not scared!)
Thanks for the great advice and positive attitude. I am not looking to sneak into the system, just curious what people do. But since I have found the other threads I will look there.

Also I didn't know about the D.O. grade replacement policy because I have retaken all of the classes that I did poorly in. Interesting thought...thanks! (too bad my MCAT score is over 5 years old...thats okay, im not scared!)

This is funny:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: or you truly are an idiot!!! You literally have NO CHANCE of getting into dental school. Good luck getting an interview at Walmart.
This is funny:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: or you truly are an idiot!!! You literally have NO CHANCE of getting into dental school. Good luck getting an interview at Walmart.

Why are people so ignorant? I have a job that pays more than most unspecialized physicians make. Its not about being smart.
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Why are people so ignorant? I have a job that pays more than most unspecialized physicians make. Its not about being smart.

Dude, you will never go to dental school in this lifetime.
If you have a job that pays more than most unspecialized physicians, stay with it.
You are not mentality mature enough to endure dental school with your attitude.
Even if you get into dental school which is 100% unlikely, you will most likely get kicked out because of academic reasons.
Getting into dental school is not an easy task but actually getting through dental school is as much or even harder.
I graduated from a university with a Degree in Biology and a 2.15GPA :? I graduated about 3 years ago.

I want to apply for dental school and my GPA will never reach a 3.0 unless I retake something like 40 credit hours. Essentially my science GPA is the same as my cumulative. I am willing to do like 15 credit hours, but 40 is a lot.

Is there anyone that has had such a circumstance and still has been admitted into dental school?

I'm going to guess based on my MCAT score (don't ask why I even took it) that I could probably get a 20 or 21 on the DAT.

Thoughts are welcome, but anyone who has a friend or has done it themselves are very much more welcomed..


I am usually very optimistic when I give people my humble opinions but.... with a 2.1 GPA (and sGPA) and your willing to do a 15-credit post-bacc to "salvage" the situation is..... not enough.

Your going to need more.... wayyyyy more than 15 credits. EVEN if you were to retake those 40, and bring your numbers to 3.0, you will still struggle to land interviews.

As far as applying to dental schools go, its very similar to medical schools. Both professions have their internet-based form open sometime in early June. And both are almost just as competitive.
you see its ppl like this guy that makes my life harder! this guy wanted to be an MD but could not make it so now he is choosing dentistry! ppl like him lower the chances of ppl like myself of getting in. I was in an accident during college, worked 40+ hrs a week, major in science, ended with ~3.1 gpa, 19 AA, 21TS, 20 PA and I'm dying to get in! been applying for 4 years, Oooo not to mention 10000000000 hrs volunteer + dental experience. now doing a masters and have 4.0 GPA, while supporting my family. NOW this guy wants to retake 15 hrs MAX. come on dude.

I'm not trying to put you down or be negative but it really hurts when i read comments like this. I have never had anything easy in my life and have and still am struggling till this second. I'm not trying to discourage you but if you are really serious then take more than 15 hours and stick with dental. don't do it b/c you think you will make money later.

best of luck and hope you get what you want
giving you the benefit of the doubt as far as trolling-

i would say you probably have 3 years of classes ahead of you to be competitive. Maybe 1 year of undergrad + a postbac & masters. I guess 2 years in a master's could be enough, but i think you'd still be a little borderline. From what I know of people (including myself) with low gpa's who fixed them in school later, you really gain less than you'd hope, and i don't know anyone who started with a gpa nearly as low as yours.

but then again if you graduated from school with a 2.15 in biology and are pulling 6 figures (lol?) then you should probably just show up to dental school and sign up for classes because you're blessed.
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you see its ppl like this guy that makes my life harder! this guy wanted to be an MD but could not make it so now he is choosing dentistry! ppl like him lower the chances of ppl like myself of getting in. I was in an accident during college, worked 40+ hrs a week, major in science, ended with ~3.1 gpa, 19 AA, 21TS, 20 PA and I'm dying to get in! been applying for 4 years, Oooo not to mention 10000000000 hrs volunteer + dental experience. now doing a masters and have 4.0 GPA, while supporting my family. NOW this guy wants to retake 15 hrs MAX. come on dude.

I'm not trying to put you down or be negative but it really hurts when i read comments like this. I have never had anything easy in my life and have and still am struggling till this second. I'm not trying to discourage you but if you are really serious then take more than 15 hours and stick with dental. don't do it b/c you think you will make money later.

best of luck and hope you get what you want

Simillar boat as you school wise. Except I transferred schools the third year and it didnt work out and I failed badly. Ended up comming home and finishing up were I left off with a 3.01. I work in a research lab, I have 1 paper out now, and working on my second and the same DAT as you and a million hours volunteer time.
I graduated from a university with a Degree in Biology and a 2.15GPA :? I graduated about 3 years ago.

I want to apply for dental school and my GPA will never reach a 3.0 unless I retake something like 40 credit hours. Essentially my science GPA is the same as my cumulative. I am willing to do like 15 credit hours, but 40 is a lot.

Is there anyone that has had such a circumstance and still has been admitted into dental school?

I'm going to guess based on my MCAT score (don't ask why I even took it) that I could probably get a 20 or 21 on the DAT.

Thoughts are welcome, but anyone who has a friend or has done it themselves are very much more welcomed..


I am not going to say anything new... you will need prob 2 solid years of post-bac and then some type of SMP or 1 year Masters program. That would be the bare minimum...

If you are wanting to be a "doctor" you might consider optometry, podiatry, or pharmacy. I know many people who have been admitted with GPA's around 3.0 to these programs.

Good luck... you will definitely need it!
I graduated from a university with a Degree in Biology and a 2.15GPA :? I graduated about 3 years ago.

I want to apply for dental school and my GPA will never reach a 3.0 unless I retake something like 40 credit hours. Essentially my science GPA is the same as my cumulative. I am willing to do like 15 credit hours, but 40 is a lot.

Is there anyone that has had such a circumstance and still has been admitted into dental school?

I'm going to guess based on my MCAT score (don't ask why I even took it) that I could probably get a 20 or 21 on the DAT.

Thoughts are welcome, but anyone who has a friend or has done it themselves are very much more welcomed..


The answer is "no". Some people have come back from low GPA, but they all had to put in more effort than you seem willing to.

You seem to be under the impression that it is easy to get into D. school, that one doesn't even need a degree (90 credit hours comment) and that whatever test-taking skill you have will translate to a high score on the DAT, which will make you a shoo-in... You need an attitude adjustment. If you're going to make it, with that kind of academic history, you can't afford to be arrogant.
What Masters program will accept someone with a 2.15 GPA? LOL NONE! You def need to raise that to a 3.0 at least ...then try at a Masters to even have a remote shot...
There is one thing I forgot to suggest.

If you REALLY wanna work in healthcare.... perhaps USA dental schools is a little too difficult for you since you probably have to do a 3-4 year post-bacc, basically a whole 2nd bachelors degree with a solid 4.0 to get your overall numbers to somewhat respectable levels.

BUT.... you can still be a physician (MD) if you want to. Have you considered Caribbean Medical schools? With a 34 in MCAT, and I am assuming you can retake and get at least a 30, they might take you even with your 2.15 or maybe those 15-credit retakes might do the trick..... Most likely not SGU (they seem to be getting the most competitive these days) but others might. SABA doesn't even require MCAT, so if you show them your 34 from 5-years ago, they might consider you.
Its amazing how everyone wants to tell me about my attitude and maturity and my chances of "never" getting in.

I was just asking a question. My job pays well, but is not what I want to do for the next 40 or 50 years. I am considering taking 15 to 30 post bacc credits, then applying to a 2 year Master's Program. I hope that will do the trick if I do the Master's Program at a school that offers a Dental program as well.

Thank you for your valuable comments, critiques and motivation :)
It sounds like you have the ability to become a dentist, you just made some bad choices in the past. You do have a chance to gain admission to your state school if you are willing to apply yourself and earn A's in a ton of upper level science courses. There are students in dental school who were admitted with sub 3.0 GPA's. It is not common, but it does happen! Will this be an easy process? Of course not!

I strongly encourage you to contact a couple of dental schools and see if they will meet with you. The best time would be after you have some shadowing hours and have taken a couple of science classes and earned A's. I met with my state school and they were very helpful. Approach them with a humble attitude, and I think you will find them to be helpful.
This is a great thread to read lol, vvery entertaining.

Just out of curiosity, what job do you have? And what was your undergrad major?
This is a great thread to read lol, vvery entertaining.

Just out of curiosity, what job do you have? And what was your undergrad major?
Also curious about this...
Its amazing how everyone wants to tell me about my attitude and maturity and my chances of "never" getting in.

I was just asking a question. My job pays well, but is not what I want to do for the next 40 or 50 years. I am considering taking 15 to 30 post bacc credits, then applying to a 2 year Master's Program. I hope that will do the trick if I do the Master's Program at a school that offers a Dental program as well.

Thank you for your valuable comments, critiques and motivation :)

Even if you take 30 post-bacc credits, and 4.0 them, your overall GPA will.... be??? what? About 2.7-2.8???

This is going to give you alot of trouble when it comes times for interviews. Suppose you go after a masters program after the post-bacc, and again, you 4.0 the masters, that 2.7-2.8 from undergrad DOES NOT go away.... And many dental schools do NOT combine undergrad + masters GPAs, they like to keep them separate cause for some reason, many dental schools (at least it seems this way) favor the undergrad performance more than masters.

So my advice to you is, and please understand, I am not giving you the "never gonna make it speech".... I think you CAN make it to dental school, but you will need one hell of a post-bacc performance. Personally, if I had a 2.1 GPA right now, i would just go for a 2nd bachelors degree and get nothing less than 4.0. If you do this right, your won't need a masters degree.
This is a great thread to read lol, vvery entertaining.

Just out of curiosity, what job do you have? And what was your undergrad major?

Im in the business of commercial real estate. Its a family thing, so no prereq's to get the job if you know what I mean.
Even if you take 30 post-bacc credits, and 4.0 them, your overall GPA will.... be??? what? About 2.7-2.8???

This is going to give you alot of trouble when it comes times for interviews. Suppose you go after a masters program after the post-bacc, and again, you 4.0 the masters, that 2.7-2.8 from undergrad DOES NOT go away.... And many dental schools do NOT combine undergrad + masters GPAs, they like to keep them separate cause for some reason, many dental schools (at least it seems this way) favor the undergrad performance more than masters.

So my advice to you is, and please understand, I am not giving you the "never gonna make it speech".... I think you CAN make it to dental school, but you will need one hell of a post-bacc performance. Personally, if I had a 2.1 GPA right now, i would just go for a 2nd bachelors degree and get nothing less than 4.0. If you do this right, your won't need a masters degree.

A 2nd bacc degree? The first one is useless, what would I do with a second one? Haha Just kidding.

What about a non acreddited dental school? Like at Midwestern University. I know they turn out a lot of great PAs and DOs, but their dental program isn't accredited yet...any thoughts on that?

I'm not going to the carribean...but maybe non-acredited. Puerto Rico only has a 2.5 minimum, but the classes can be in english or spanish:/ I do speak spanish. But anyone who speaks Spanish knows puertoricanios speak extra fast:/

Oh and great idea from the guy above, suggesting I actually talk to someone at the school...then they can tell me face to face there is no way possible! :laugh: Actually i kind of still have hope.

By the time I finish retaking my classes and 2 year masters degree I will have like 90 hours more than all the newbie grads in science studies. I should be able to do better than average on the DAT then also...just a thought.

And a last note...just to help. My actual cumulative GPA is 2.67 or so once I add my junior college transcripts. My science is still low though.
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your first stop is to the admissions person at your state dental school. you need to explain your situation to them and get their opinion on how best to get into school. you need to both improve your undergraduate gpa and have a solid graduate gpa, they can advise you on classes to take, programs to look into, post-bac/master's that are good, etc. they should be frank with you about what they think about your current situation and how repairable it is.

also, those junior college grades shouldn't be ignored, they matter like any other grades.
your first stop is to the admissions person at your state dental school. you need to explain your situation to them and get their opinion on how best to get into school. you need to both improve your undergraduate gpa and have a solid graduate gpa, they can advise you on classes to take, programs to look into, post-bac/master's that are good, etc. they should be frank with you about what they think about your current situation and how repairable it is.

also, those junior college grades shouldn't be ignored, they matter like any other grades.

I will go visit with them. I still don't get the whole grade replacement concept. I don't care how stupid someone was (me in this case) 6 years ago I would think that the "trend" would be the most important, assuming no criminal issues.
Just b/c a dental school has not passed final accreditation yet does not mean they have lower standards for gaining admission. But as everyone else has suggested, you will need to do a post-bacc to raise your GPA and have it high enough to have a shot at getting into a Masters program. There really aren't many other options for you, so if you are serious about dental schools, it's going to be years until you have a realistic chance and it's going to be a long road. Try contacting some potential dental schools and see what they have to say as well.
Just b/c a dental school has not passed final accreditation yet does not mean they have lower standards for gaining admission. But as everyone else has suggested, you will need to do a post-bacc to raise your GPA and have it high enough to have a shot at getting into a Masters program. There really aren't many other options for you, so if you are serious about dental schools, it's going to be years until you have a realistic chance and it's going to be a long road. Try contacting some potential dental schools and see what they have to say as well.

I know I have a good deal of work. I just have to find a grad school that accepts course retakes, because without taking any post bacc classes my adjusted GPA after retakes is a 2.7. If I find one that accepts retakes for the grade, then it should be no problem getting the minimum 2.75 that many require. In fact if they accept replacements, with only 4 classes, my GPA would be around 2.8. Not high by any means, but more appropriate to be accepted into a graduate program.

I am going to look for a school that kind of has a ONE TWO punch. Where they have a 1 or 2 years masters that they not just "sell" but actually use as legitimate credentials for their own programs. Like a master's in health sciences, and they have a dental program. For them to discredit their own master's program would be less likely. But I'm sure with my credentials they will consider just saying no anyway.

Time will only tell....
A 2nd bacc degree? The first one is useless, what would I do with a second one? Haha Just kidding.

What about a non acreddited dental school? Like at Midwestern University. I know they turn out a lot of great PAs and DOs, but their dental program isn't accredited yet...any thoughts on that?

I'm not going to the carribean...but maybe non-acredited. Puerto Rico only has a 2.5 minimum, but the classes can be in english or spanish:/ I do speak spanish. But anyone who speaks Spanish knows puertoricanios speak extra fast:/

Oh and great idea from the guy above, suggesting I actually talk to someone at the school...then they can tell me face to face there is no way possible! :laugh: Actually i kind of still have hope.

By the time I finish retaking my classes and 2 year masters degree I will have like 90 hours more than all the newbie grads in science studies. I should be able to do better than average on the DAT then also...just a thought.

And a last note...just to help. My actual cumulative GPA is 2.67 or so once I add my junior college transcripts. My science is still low though.

non-accredited dental school is JUST as competitive as the accredited ones. Don't believe me? Look up how many students applied, how many got interviewed, and what was their average GPA / DATs for the entering class.

I am not going to discourage you, but doing some post-bacc (30-ish credits) AND THEN topping it off with a 2 year masters (and you better be talking about SMP, and not your standard biology based masters) WILL get you into dental school ~ assuming of course you rock the SMP.... However, SMP's difficulty is actually the same/similar to medical/dental school curriculum. I think Wayne state's SMP program here in detroit, you actually sit with the medical students.

Now the reason why I don't like the SMPs is.... well if you did bad (and IMO, anything less than a 3.5 might be looked upon as "bad"), then you pretty much seal the door of ever making it into dental/medical school. You will no longer be able to go back and do post-bacc / 2nd bachelors.

So, why I suggested the 2nd bachelors degree is.... well.... its an "easier" method to bring up your overall numbers and directly apply to dental schools. This is an easier / cheaper / but maybe longer option than the SMP.

Good luck on whatever you decide, if you REALLY pull this through some day, plz do come back and post your experiences
Oh, i definitely plan on coming back and posting my story.

The SMP comment is a good thought. I mean I'd hate to get permanently kicked out. That is why I plan on doing like 30 post bacc credits and if I pull the straight A grades, then I will do the SMP.

The reality to anyone with a GPA like mine is that there was a study habit issue. Assuming I'm not just plain stupid, which I haven't ruled out. I need to do the post bacc to ensure I have the study habits and to get a little confidence back. It is pretty depressing realizing you could have dropped out after community college and been better off than finishing your degree.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone, and I'll post my SUCCESS story soon! (2 years)
You need a master at least. Dental school is a difficult field to get in right now. You definitely need more dedication. Good luck.

I graduated from a university with a Degree in Biology and a 2.15GPA :? I graduated about 3 years ago.

I want to apply for dental school and my GPA will never reach a 3.0 unless I retake something like 40 credit hours. Essentially my science GPA is the same as my cumulative. I am willing to do like 15 credit hours, but 40 is a lot.

Is there anyone that has had such a circumstance and still has been admitted into dental school?

I'm going to guess based on my MCAT score (don't ask why I even took it) that I could probably get a 20 or 21 on the DAT.

Thoughts are welcome, but anyone who has a friend or has done it themselves are very much more welcomed..

I know I have a good deal of work. I just have to find a grad school that accepts course retakes, because without taking any post bacc classes my adjusted GPA after retakes is a 2.7. If I find one that accepts retakes for the grade, then it should be no problem getting the minimum 2.75 that many require. In fact if they accept replacements, with only 4 classes, my GPA would be around 2.8. Not high by any means, but more appropriate to be accepted into a graduate program.

what do you mean by "accepts course retakes". 0% schools will eliminate a grade if you re-take a class. 100% of schools will count both.

I don't think you are a troll either. As others have said, take a lot more classes and get good grades.

Maybe consider a massive donation to dental schools with your "higher than nonspecializing physician salary"?

Also, 26+ DAT is essential.

Hope you at least got the girls in college. ;)
hey man, do what you need to do the first reply was more along the lines of what you need to do.. you won't get anywhere with a low GPA and DAT. DAT is different than the MCAT in a lot of ways. See if you can take a practice one at Barnes and Nbole using kaplans book see how you do.. If you are really serious about it try some post-bacs or even do what you said, do the 40 credits man. A lot of the people on here are stuck up D-bags. so shrug it off, you're bound to get flamed.
a 2.17? why did you even go into biology?

*edit* 2.15