Barry University MBS Program...

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Mar 27, 2007
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I know there have been a few threads about this, but there seems to be no concensus as to whether or not this program is legit or not. I just got accepted to the 2-year program, and I of course would have to quit my job and move half way across the country to Miami. I'm not sure if I should wait another year to try to get into a better program, or if the master's in biomedical sciences program at Barry would suit my needs. I have less than impressive stats, but I think an MBS degree would give me a solid chance at d-school. Does anyone here go to barry/know someone who went to barry/have any advice about this school? Thank you, this forum is my only source for advice!

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my advice since I finished the program is NOT to take it there. their claimed stats are false since they count the number of people who enter their podiatry program and its a stat taking from so many years back. If I were you, try to find a masters program that is public and not private. Its 765/credit!! If you want to stay go to FL try FAU the choice i should of made but chose barry due to the false stats. I just saved ya 30K bro :D just my 2cents tho. good luck and do your research with the schools. I believe ANY masters program will help you out according you do well. Just chose the school which is practical and will take less from your wallet. Once again good luck!:thumbup:
my advice since I finished the program is NOT to take it there. their claimed stats are false since they count the number of people who enter their podiatry program and its a stat taking from so many years back. If I were you, try to find a masters program that is public and not private. Its 765/credit!! If you want to stay go to FL try FAU the choice i should of made but chose barry due to the false stats. I just saved ya 30K bro :D just my 2cents tho. good luck and do your research with the schools. I believe ANY masters program will help you out according you do well. Just chose the school which is practical and will take less from your wallet. Once again good luck!:thumbup:

hey what was so bad about it? I just completed my Masters at NYUCD in Clinical Research but all these dental schools are tellin me to go bak and do a post-bacc for my science courses b/c those were the courses that sucked in my i'm about to pack up all my **** and go to miami b/c i got into the 1 yr accelerated program at Barry...whats so crappy about it? Is it about the cost that got you? b/c being at NYU put me in HELLA debt i'm just tryin whtever it takes to get into dental school...right now im waitlisted at NYU but i had to make other plans in case that doesnt come through by aug...i mean i want the cheapest route as well but to me its just like whatever is going to help me get in asap....:idea:
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my advice since I finished the program is NOT to take it there. their claimed stats are false since they count the number of people who enter their podiatry program and its a stat taking from so many years back. If I were you, try to find a masters program that is public and not private. Its 765/credit!! If you want to stay go to FL try FAU the choice i should of made but chose barry due to the false stats. I just saved ya 30K bro :D just my 2cents tho. good luck and do your research with the schools. I believe ANY masters program will help you out according you do well. Just chose the school which is practical and will take less from your wallet. Once again good luck!:thumbup:

Did you end up getting in anywhere? I really wouldn't mind paying the 30K if it helped me get into a dental school. My worry is doing well in the program then one year from now being stuck 30K with a bunch of rejection letters in my hands.
nothing is wrong with barry but why not go and get a masters degree with 10k debt instead of 30k? I did the one year program myself, lots of work but doable. Start doing some research and call public schools and see what you like and dislike about their program. A masters degree is a masters degree its useless esp if you ultimate goal is to be a doctor here but wouldn't you rather spend less to get a masters degree? Try your state schools and see if they have a BMS program, many do out there and if Barry is the only school you get into then attend there, just try to spend less in doing so. Also remember just getting a masters degree is nothing, you need a solid MCAT or DAT as well, its about the overall candidate that will get you into where you want to go. good luck on your decisions :thumbup:
If dental schools are telling you to simply go back and retake your pre-reqs then I don't think getting a masters will greatly improve your chances of getting into dental school nor will it necessarily help with your career later on. I had to go back and finish my pre-reqs and I simply went to my state school, enrolled as a degree seeking student (so I could register early and get the classes I needed before they became full). Several of my classmates did expensive post-bac programs, but no dental school questioned my approach, I saved a lot of money, and we all ended up at the same place. As Dr. PJ stated, I think it's worth your while to look into some other options closer to home.
that is true...but correct me if i am wrong...if you go in as a degree seeking student or whatever...are you not eligible for financial aid...whereas if you enroll in a do get financial aid ?