Baylor College of Medicine Class of 2010

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etown said:
Anyone have a clue when Baylor starts awarding merit scholarships (or if they already have)?
I was wondering about that too....

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generic said:
Hobbes, you are cool. Those are all the best reasons to come to Baylor! Good luck and look forward to meeting you guys.

Lol, thanks....hobbesiscool is actually a screen name which i named after my pet that I used in middle school . i'm still sticking with it:)\

And count me in if y'all plan on meeting together before school starts.
Who is qualified to get those type of scholarships?
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etown said:
Anyone have a clue when Baylor starts awarding merit scholarships (or if they already have)?

I received a scholarship from Baylor about two weeks ago.
prettygirl1908 said:
I received a scholarship from Baylor about two weeks ago.

Wow congratulations must have been a pretty stellar applicant. Was the scholarship full, half, or what? In any case, that's awesome.
prettygirl1908 said:
I received a scholarship from Baylor about two weeks ago.


Are you talking about the scholarship that was offered during the "accepted applicants weekend"? Did you receive an award letter?
Miss155 said:

Are you talking about the scholarship that was offered during the "accepted applicants weekend"? Did you receive an award letter?

I was at the accepted applicant's weekend (3/31), what scholarship are you talking about? Just wanna knwo if I missed something lol
Miss155 said:

Are you talking about the scholarship that was offered during the "accepted applicants weekend"? Did you receive an award letter?

hey miss, if you don't mind me asking (i just wanna guage my chances that my LOI works), could you please pm me with your stats? (MCAT and GPA?)
Miss155 said:

Are you talking about the scholarship that was offered during the "accepted applicants weekend"? Did you receive an award letter?

Seriously? Have they seriously already awarded the merit scholarships? (was it like a 12-13k one? that's the main one i've heard about)
it was a miniority accepted weekend
Miss155 said:
it was a miniority accepted weekend

Ahh cool, so hopefully there's still some more $$ out there. Congrats to you guys that got a scholarship though!! Baylor's pretty impressive and a good deal already, so it'd be hard to turn down further incentive I'm sure!
Miss155, do you think you could clear up some PM space? :D

Did anyone here get an email from BCM inviting the Houston acceptees to Major Bradshaw's house? I am planning to go, anyone else?
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Miss155 said:

Did anyone here get an email from BCM inviting the Houston acceptees to Major Bradshaw's house? I am planning to go, anyone else?
Yeah, I was just about to write something about it. I just got it. I'm going, who else is in?
Dr. Bradshaw and Dr. Michael came to my school for a reception along with a couple of med students.....Man, it's awesome when you don't have to impress these people any more b/c you know you're already in:) .
hobbesiscool said:
Dr. Bradshaw and Dr. Michael came to my school for a reception along with a couple of med students.....Man, it's awesome when you don't have to impress these people any more b/c you know you're already in:) .
Oh bad ass! I can't wait to go to the gathering at Dr. Bradshaw's house. He lives in the Warwick Towers, so I'm really eager to see his condo. That place is stacked! You guys should look up pictures on google.
MadameLULU said:
I've been invited to attend so I'll see some of y'all there. :)
WOW I haven't seen you on here in a while. What's been up?
LadyJubilee8_18 said:
WOW I haven't seen you on here in a while. What's been up?

I'm still around--don't post as much anymore, but i've been getting tons of PMs. Tests coming up next week, but after that it's spring break/cruise!! YaY :D :thumbup:
MadameLULU said:
I'm still around--don't post as much anymore, but i've been getting tons of PMs. Tests coming up next week, but after that it's spring break/cruise!! YaY :D :thumbup:
REally? Someone told me that Baylor students don't get spring break.
QofQuimica said:
Ok, FYI, I was told that the committee would be meeting at the end of the month.

Thanks for sharing the scoop. Too bad they decide so late in the game, but I guess at least it'll be before May 15.
LadyJubilee8_18 said:
REally? Someone told me that Baylor students don't get spring break.

During 2nd look, the students there said it happens later than everybody else's spring break....some time in April every year.
hobbesiscool said:
During 2nd look, the students there said it happens later than everybody else's spring break....some time in April every year.
oh, cool. I thought I'd lived my last spring break :scared:
LadyJubilee8_18 said:
oh, cool. I thought I'd lived my last spring break :scared:

Our spring break this year is from April 25th - April 30. Its not the usual Fri-Sunday (9 day spring break) but its something.
latinfridley said:
Our spring break this year is from April 25th - April 30. Its not the usual Fri-Sunday (9 day spring break) but its something.

Just enough time to catch up on errands and life. :)
redbeans said:
Just enough time to catch up on errands and life. :)

precisely, my friend. ;)

good to see you back here! hehe
or enough time to go to Mexico and do some medical mission work!

I can't wait to finish these tests and be outta this country!

(only to return 5 days later...oh well)

good luck folks
I have a quick question that I'm a bit concerned about:

I've talked to a couple of knowledgable people who are trying their hardest to convince me not to go to Baylor. They keep telling me that this whole Baylor-Methodist split will really affect Baylor as a medical school. I know that Baylor recently moved up to #10 in research and # 11 in primary care and I'm still very much keeping it as my first choice, but I get a bit worried some times when people are trying to tell me that certain departments within Baylor have been really affected and we will start seeing the results of those changes soon. Specifically, they have told me that certain really experienced, accomplished chairmen of departments have left and now there are much more younger, inexperienced guys who have taken over departments, thus lessening the reputation of these departments. Now I've talked to a couple of Baylor students who say it is a nothing to worry about as a medical student, but for residency it might be a much bigger issue. What do any other current medical students have to say about this whole issue? Do you anticipate Baylor losing its reputation over this split in the coming years? B/c residency programs may be affected,will my learning as a medical student be compromised? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
hobbesiscool said:
I have a quick question that I'm a bit concerned about:

I've talked to a couple of knowledgable people who are trying their hardest to convince me not to go to Baylor. They keep telling me that this whole Baylor-Methodist split will really affect Baylor as a medical school. I know that Baylor recently moved up to #10 in research and # 11 in primary care and I'm still very much keeping it as my first choice, but I get a bit worried some times when people are trying to tell me that certain departments within Baylor have been really affected and we will start seeing the results of those changes soon. Specifically, they have told me that certain really experienced, accomplished chairmen of departments have left and now there are much more younger, inexperienced guys who have taken over departments, thus lessening the reputation of these departments. Now I've talked to a couple of Baylor students who say it is a nothing to worry about as a medical student, but for residency it might be a much bigger issue. What do any other current medical students have to say about this whole issue? Do you anticipate Baylor losing its reputation over this split in the coming years? B/c residency programs may be affected,will my learning as a medical student be compromised? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
My first thought is that maybe those guys are on the waitlist??? :smuggrin: Seriously, dude, Baylor's rep is going to be fine. People leave schools and move around all the time. There are plenty of good reasons not to go to Baylor, but I don't think that this is one of them.

What do you think are some of the good reasons not to go to Baylor? On the side note, Baylor sent out info saying our financial packages will be sent via email.
I'm also interested in this discussion. I keep telling myself that the Baylor-Methodist split won't be an issue for us (mostly because that's what students and faculty are telling me), but the reality is, I have no idea. And I don't think I'm going to find out anytime soon either.

My personal feeling is that everything is going to be ok for med students, but I don't really know about the residents. It seems that the issue was resolved almost a year ago, and so I think Baylor knows which faculty are staying/going. As for the new faculty, I guess I'm not too worried, since I think Baylor is just going to use the same philosophy it's always had when hiring. And that philosophy has pushed Baylor into a top ten medical school recently. Will that ranking continue over the next few years? I have no way of knowing. Will it drastically fall? Again, I have no way of knowing, but I really don't see that happening. Baylor knows what it takes to be a good medical school, and the school will continue to produce great doctors.
Miss155 said:

What do you think are some of the good reasons not to go to Baylor? On the side note, Baylor sent out info saying our financial packages will be sent via email.
If you're a TX resident, I can't think of too many good reasons. The school is ridiculously cheap, and you'd get an excellent education there. It's probably the best bargain in the country IMO, assuming you don't get a full-tuition scholarship to go elsewhere. Even for OOS people like me, it's really cheap; Baylor's OOS rates are the same as my state schools' in-state rates. I guess I would say that if you went there and you just didn't like it, that would be a good reason. Um, let's see, if your psycho ex boyfriend or girlfriend was going to be an MSI there with you, I would advise you not to go in that case for sure. If you have your heart set on going to another school for whatever reason, ok, that's a good reason. I don't know. None of those examples applies to me, but maybe they would to you.
hobbesiscool said:
I have a quick question that I'm a bit concerned about:

I've talked to a couple of knowledgable people who are trying their hardest to convince me not to go to Baylor. They keep telling me that this whole Baylor-Methodist split will really affect Baylor as a medical school. I know that Baylor recently moved up to #10 in research and # 11 in primary care and I'm still very much keeping it as my first choice, but I get a bit worried some times when people are trying to tell me that certain departments within Baylor have been really affected and we will start seeing the results of those changes soon. Specifically, they have told me that certain really experienced, accomplished chairmen of departments have left and now there are much more younger, inexperienced guys who have taken over departments, thus lessening the reputation of these departments. Now I've talked to a couple of Baylor students who say it is a nothing to worry about as a medical student, but for residency it might be a much bigger issue. What do any other current medical students have to say about this whole issue? Do you anticipate Baylor losing its reputation over this split in the coming years? B/c residency programs may be affected,will my learning as a medical student be compromised? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

It's not that big of a deal for med students. Alot of BCM faculty still work at Methodist, and residents can still rotate through Methodist. It is just no longer our PRIMARY adult teaching hospital.
If you're worried about how it ill affect your residency chances just take a look at our latest match list. BCM attracts some of the best students in the country, so its pretty much a given that they will match into a decent/great residency. As long as BCM has no trouble attracting these students, it will always have a great residency match.
Also, our latest US news ranking, while really not qualitatively important, is a great marketing tool for future students, meaning that BCM will continue to attract great students, and maybe just as importantly, more money.
pcarlson05 said:
As for the new faculty, I guess I'm not too worried, since I think Baylor is just going to use the same philosophy it's always had when hiring. And that philosophy has pushed Baylor into a top ten medical school recently. Will that ranking continue over the next few years?

I have a prediction: BCM will continue to creep higher in the rankings, and become a better known medical school in the years to come. Dr. Traber, the BCM pres., seems to have his act together in terms of the direction he is taking BCM. I had dinner with him the other week and am confident in direction BCM is heading.
(A very important manifestation of this is the new BCM adult outpatient center, which is a major reason for the Meth/BCM split. It is to become a model center for patient care in the future.)
I would write more, but neuro studying awaits me.
Now that the neuro test has been put behind me....ugh.

I'd like to weigh in on the ratings debate.

I agree with LatinFridley. first of all, I think Houston (and possibly Southern) schools get a little bit screwed in ratings because of the location...honestly, the weather does get really hot and steamy. Once you're past that, it's all roses.

Baylor split with Methodist because Methodist didn't want us to get an adequate share of the pie from clinical BCM built the Baylor Clinic, and will expand it soon. Here's the thing: we STILL get benefits from Methodist, as has been mentioned. I went to a lecture there last week! Plus quite a few of our professors show up to teach us wearing their Methodist badges...So we're effectively getting the best of both worlds.

Point 2: renovations: The Texas Medical Center is huge and growing ever huger...we're building a new research building, a "Debakey library," and the aforementioned Baylor Clinic Phase 2. Plus BCM already has more than enough room for us, because we were able to host 300+ Tulane students with only minimal scheduling it's nice to be at a growing, vibrant school in the middle of a growing, vibrant medical center.

Point 3: our curriculum is nice. And the administration seems quite responsive to our concerns. I like how they throw out test questions that too many people missed (because they were poorly written, not just because we didn't study). I really like most of our professors, and I can't say I felt the same way at my 3 undergrad schools...

that's all for now...seeeeeeeeeya
This is exactly why I want to become one of the cool BCM kids :) Well, here's to news in May.

generic said:
Now that the neuro test has been put behind me....ugh.

I'd like to weigh in on the ratings debate.

I agree with LatinFridley. first of all, I think Houston (and possibly Southern) schools get a little bit screwed in ratings because of the location...honestly, the weather does get really hot and steamy. Once you're past that, it's all roses.

Baylor split with Methodist because Methodist didn't want us to get an adequate share of the pie from clinical BCM built the Baylor Clinic, and will expand it soon. Here's the thing: we STILL get benefits from Methodist, as has been mentioned. I went to a lecture there last week! Plus quite a few of our professors show up to teach us wearing their Methodist badges...So we're effectively getting the best of both worlds.

Point 2: renovations: The Texas Medical Center is huge and growing ever huger...we're building a new research building, a "Debakey library," and the aforementioned Baylor Clinic Phase 2. Plus BCM already has more than enough room for us, because we were able to host 300+ Tulane students with only minimal scheduling it's nice to be at a growing, vibrant school in the middle of a growing, vibrant medical center.

Point 3: our curriculum is nice. And the administration seems quite responsive to our concerns. I like how they throw out test questions that too many people missed (because they were poorly written, not just because we didn't study). I really like most of our professors, and I can't say I felt the same way at my 3 undergrad schools...

that's all for now...seeeeeeeeeya
FastForward said:
This is exactly why I want to become one of the cool BCM kids :) Well, here's to news in May.

I believe you will soon
Hey folks, I was told by MadameLulu today that the average USMLE Step 1 score for this years graduating class (i think), is 236. Dats good.
latinfridley said:
Hey folks, I was told by MadameLulu today that the average USMLE Step 1 score for this years graduating class (i think), is 236. Dats good.

For accepted folks, have you heard anything from BCM lately, in the last a few weeks? any communication?
zzz1 said:
For accepted folks, have you heard anything from BCM lately, in the last a few weeks? any communication?

Who's received their financial aid package? I haven't received anything yet. Yeah, I haven't received anything from Baylor in a while.
I called the financial aid office a few days ago because they were missing some forms. Anyways, they said the financial aids packages should go out in a week or so....
I received a letter saying all my financial forms was received and will get the award in a few weeks.
This thread needs to be bumped so I'll make an obvious request :) When you guys hear about scholarships or get your finaid package let us know por favor. I'll do the same... Here's hoping it's SOON!
bobob said:
This thread needs to be bumped so I'll make an obvious request :) When you guys hear about scholarships or get your finaid package let us know por favor. I'll do the same... Here's hoping it's SOON!

I am hoping to get it soon as well. I called and they said they would try to have them to us by the end of the month (which is fast approaching)
Did anyone else who is considering the class of 2010 miss the 2nd look weekend? I'm trying to decide between Baylor and a school in NYC, so I'll be out there the first week of may to look around. Of course, I'm not quite sure what it is that I'm going to be looking for. But anyway, If local folks wanted to meet up for beers, that'd be cool.
slim06 said:
Did anyone else who is considering the class of 2010 miss the 2nd look weekend? I'm trying to decide between Baylor and a school in NYC, so I'll be out there the first week of may to look around. Of course, I'm not quite sure what it is that I'm going to be looking for. But anyway, If local folks wanted to meet up for beers, that'd be cool.

Go to i can go to Baylor :laugh: :laugh: :thumbup: :thumbup:
haha! I'm sure you'll get in regardless of what happens to poor lil ol me, especially if you send a crisp $100 with your letter of intent.

I also suspect that they are really careful to balance the instate/outofstate ratios on their admitted class. So if your location was say.... south dakota... then we'd be talking turkey.