BCACP Study Recommendations

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10+ Year Member
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
I recently took the BCACP this fall. Today, I found out I was a few points away from a passing score.

Does anyone have any recommendations for studying? I plan to retake the exam in the Spring.

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What did you use initially use to study? Did you use the ACCP BCACP materials? I think for people who failed, it has a breakdown of areas of how you did compared to others. Maybe use that to guide you on where to focus?
What did you use initially use to study? Did you use the ACCP BCACP materials? I think for people who failed, it has a breakdown of areas of how you did compared to others. Maybe use that to guide you on where to focus?
Initially, I used the 2022 version of the ACCP study handbook. The area that I need more focus on is the patient-centered ambulatory care section (score report was vague and didn’t provide specifics). I plan to allocate more months to study to allow me more time to review the information.

If anyone used additional resources that were helpful (med101, high-yield, statpearls), please let me know your recommendations.
Hi! Haven't taken it before but plan to take it in the spring. So far I'll I've done is purchase the HYMR package. I didn't realize how their system is set up (can only view videos for 24 hours once you activate them) and now I'm not sure how helpful it will be given that I would have possibly retained the info better with spaced out repeated listenings to the lectures... I do want to purchase another supplemental qbank or study guide but not sure which one yet. Anyways - best of luck and feel free to PM me if you're interested in a study group
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