BCPM Courses

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Jan 30, 2011
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1) Environmental Biology - This wasn't classified as a biology course, it was under environmental science at my undergrad. Should I not include this in my BCPM?

2) Economic Statistics - These were classified as econ courses at my undergrad. Should I not include these in my BCPM?

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Econ stats = BCPM
Enviromental biology = more than likely BCPM. However use the search function and pull up the full BCPM list and check for sure.
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I'm not sure how you're going to "include it in your BCPM." AMCAS will make changes if they feel that a course should be BCPM or shouldn't be BCPM.

You are asked to classify the course on the app and I'm just simply asking in what category should I include these courses.
Any more thoughts on Environmental Biology... I am thinking it might not fall under BCPM and be considered "environmental science", but I'm not sure. It is offered through the biology department. Thanks!
Any more thoughts on Environmental Biology... I am thinking it might not fall under BCPM and be considered "environmental science", but I'm not sure. It is offered through the biology department. Thanks!

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If it's called "Ecology" they'll for sure count it. "Environmental science" it doesn't fall under BCPM. But with "biology" in the title you can try to squeeze it in. Ultimately AMCAS will do whatever they want anyway.
How about Finite Math? And Business Statistics? Astronomy?