Best bacterial flow chart

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7+ Year Member
Feb 14, 2016
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Best Bacterial flow chart (you should download it to enjoy full resolution)

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That is pretty sick, nicely done! Bit odd to self-label it the best, but it's super thorough and really useful, so I don't entirely disagree. Thanks for posting!
Any chance you have a version where they're separated (e.g. one sheet for G+, one for G-, one for poorly staining)? They'd be slightly less crowded and more easily printable that way.
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That is pretty sick, nicely done! Bit odd to self-label it the best, but it's super thorough and really useful, so I don't entirely disagree. Thanks for posting!
Any chance you have a version where they're separated (e.g. one sheet for G+, one for G-, one for poorly staining)? They'd be slightly less crowded and more easily printable that way.

thank you for your replay
I know it's a bit odd but whatever :rolleyes:..

no sorry I don't have a seperated version :oops:.
I split them...they're roughly proportioned so as to show up reasonably when printed on letter paper. Tried to leave the sig at least one spot on each.
Gram+ Flowchart.png

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