Best Pharmacy School

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15+ Year Member
Feb 20, 2007
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Hi guys wat school has the best Pharmacy just being curious about that.

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Hi guys wat school has the best Pharmacy just being curious about that.

The "best" pharmacy school, or even a program if you want to define the question narrowly, is more subjective.

For me, I was looking for:

1. Variety in electives
2. The types of courses the school emphasizes
3. Technology usage
4. Student support systems
5. Length of program
6. NAPLEX passage rates
7. Types and locations of residencies offered
8. Community service integration (if applicable)

There are more factors when I defined my "best" schools to apply and potentially accept. It's all about the "fit". Given that you could be spending over $100,000 for pharmacy school, you've got to find the right fit . The U.S. News' rankings aren't always your answer.:)