best post-bacc program for me?

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Jan 2, 2011
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I will be graduating this may from a SUNY. My gpa is not terribly low but I have never achieved straight A's in a semester so far. It is FILLED with B's with only 2 C's. I don't want to apply with the gpa that I have so I have decided to do post-bacc work to prove myself. I will sit for the MCAT this april.

cGPA: 3.45
sGPA: 3.39

possible? minor boost: first-gen college student

Leadership: captain of campus C-cert for 2 years.

clinical-Hospital volunteering for nearly 4+ years with 400 total hours
-shadowing MD for 100 hours.

research -2 semesters worth of research lab experience

Any suggestions for post-bacc programs to enhance my gpa? I am a NYS resident so want to stay around the east coast. I want to hold off on SMP's for now and save it if I really need it. Any help will be appreciated!

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Any suggestions for post-bacc programs to enhance my gpa?
Start with the AAMC postbac link at the top of the forum, and narrow things down by studying the threads for each program in this forum.
@DrMidlife I saw them but I am still confused. Most of them seem to cater for students who haven't yet taken some/most of the pre-reqs. I will be finished with my pre-reqs by the time I graduate but need GPA enhancement. Is it wise to just retake some science courses and pre-reqs at my SUNY (grade of B or below?). Or do I just pursue a 2nd bachelors degree at another institution? since my School only offers a limited number of upper division science courses.

help me please someone? I am really frustrated and confused at this point. Deeply regret the decisions I made in college and willing to do anything to prove myself.
@DrMidlife I saw them but I am still confused. Most of them seem to cater for students who haven't yet taken some/most of the pre-reqs. I will be finished with my pre-reqs by the time I graduate but need GPA enhancement. Is it wise to just retake some science courses and pre-reqs at my SUNY (grade of B or below?). Or do I just pursue a 2nd bachelors degree at another institution? since my School only offers a limited number of upper division science courses.

help me please someone? I am really frustrated and confused at this point. Deeply regret the decisions I made in college and willing to do anything to prove myself.
Honestly, seriously, please put the time in to read the information in the lists I mentioned, and look for the threads in this forum that will help you. It is a really bad sign for you to expect to have other people read lists for you. I am totally serious. Be the adult in charge.

But I'll give you a hint: look for the thread that has the most views in this forum. You can sort on view count to find it.

Best of luck to you.