Best suture kit/knot tying kit for med student to learn from?

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7+ Year Member
Mar 10, 2014
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I was in the OR today and embarrassed myself in front of an attending with my novice knot tying, ability as I feebly attempted to close up laparoscopic skin incisions. I am still in the beginning of my third year and have had minimal formal teaching regarding this skill; at my medical school, we are pretty much expected to learn this on our own.

I was wondering if anyone had a positive experience with a particular suture kit and or knot tying kit that would enable me to practice this skill until I learn it well. I know there are many such kits on the market - ideally, I am looking for one complete with an instruction resource of some kind (manual, DVD, whatever) that is reasonably priced (I'd say not over $125). Anyone have any suggestions from past experience ?

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Steal a couple packs of ties from the OR and watch youtube vids. There's no reason to spend any money on a kit. Another good free option to practice tying is surgical masks- use the ties that normally go around your head to practice your knots.

It just takes repetition to get it into unconscious muscle memory.
you used to be able to write/email ethicon and they would send you that plastic knot tying board to practice with
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closing lap port sites isn't easy. The beginning and end of a running subcuticular are the hardest parts, and that's pretty much all a lap port allows you to do.

if it's about knot tying, why not just instrument tie? that's fairly easy. if you want to manually tie, ask a scrub tech for some silk free ties and go to town on your own. there are some good videos on youtube for knot tying. there used to be a free knot tying kit from Ethicon, but I don't think they're doing that anymore.
See if your hospital has disposable instrument packs. Once they are used, you can take the unused pickups / needle driver / hemostat (or clean used ones, I suppose). Ask the scrub tech for left-over sutures and ties at the end of the case.

Also, unwaxed dental floss works as a good substitute when practicing to tie.
There are a number of food items that can be used for suture practice. I like directing my students to thick skinned oranges as a small incision in the orange skin can simulate the difficulty one has with lap port sites. Historically, schools would do suturing labs on chicken legs or feet but that can be a bit uncomfortable for some students.