BEST time to send supplementary application to UPENN

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d wannabe

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Feb 27, 2008
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I'm working on UPENN sup application (3 essay questions)
and when would be the latest day to send it?
Is mid June early enough to get early interview?

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Is mid June early enough to get early interview?

Absolutely... The earliest interviews for UPenn last cycle were at the end of September. That gives you some time to get that in.
I'm working on UPENN sup application (3 essay questions)
and when would be the latest day to send it?
Is mid June early enough to get early interview?

I just sent mine by USPS today... I'm guessing you aren't considering the first question about "additional dentistry experience not listed on AADSAS" as a "question", but just wanted to make sure you didn't overlook that there are 4 total questions.
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I just sent mine by USPS today... I'm guessing you aren't considering the first question about "additional dentistry experience not listed on AADSAS" as a "question", but just wanted to make sure you didn't overlook that there are 4 total questions.

Yes, I thought the first question would be in point form (not essay)

By the way, how long is ur essay?
I finished 2 essays and am working on the last essay question.
Mine is 1 page per each essay (single space). Guess it seems bit long.
I had trouble typing in one of the lines for evaluators. So, I ended up writing it with a black pen. Anyone had same problem?
Mine is 1 page per each essay (single space). Guess it seems bit long.

OMG. I thought 2 pgs for all four Qs will be more than enough.

Anyone from last cycle got an idea on this?
Yes, I thought the first question would be in point form (not essay)

By the way, how long is ur essay?
I finished 2 essays and am working on the last essay question.
Mine is 1 page per each essay (single space). Guess it seems bit long.

Completed, mine was 4 pages long (single-spaced), and I only used a few lines for the first question, so you sound like you should be fine. Just make sure the 1 page per question is not just endless rambling and is not repetitive - I think you'll be just fine though.

For everyone else... I wouldn't try to match everyone else's length for these supplemental essays. They have no length/character requirement for a reason, and I think it'd be worse to have a lot of text with no substance than vice versa.
Mine was just a page and a half. Length does not matter if you made an articulate point and explained yourself well.
I had trouble typing in one of the lines for evaluators. So, I ended up writing it with a black pen. Anyone had same problem?

Yeah I actually had that same issue!! It was in the space alotted for the first evaluator, right?

I just wrote on that first line that I was using a compiled LOR, and on the second line, I entered the information for the head honcho of my school's preprofessional commitee.
Yeah I actually had that same issue!! It was in the space alotted for the first evaluator, right?

I just wrote on that first line that I was using a compiled LOR, and on the second line, I entered the information for the head honcho of my school's preprofessional commitee.

Yeah, the "title/position" line for the first evaluator. I'm so happy that I'm not alone. :D