best way to getting off waitlist

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Jan 6, 2005
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hey guys i have a question, i am currently licking my chops on the NJMS waitlist (and others). NJMS reranks their waitlist at the begininig on june. Do you guys think taking the mcat again would help. Would the scores even come out in time for it to matter.

What I am doing right now is taking a couple of gradutate courses at NJMS and also taking Medical neurscience. I had a talk with dr. H and the main thing that concerned him was the fact that I had a slow start during my undergrad and then i picked up my performance later on. So he suggested taking classes to show i can start start strong.

But do you think mcats would really help. I mean i already have a 30. I know that these boards think a 30 is pretty low but i think a 30 is fine for your avg med school.

And also what have others done to get of the waitlist. Have you sent in a letter to the adcom, or have you gotten more recomendations. I work as ER tech at the university hospital, and am good friends with two er docs who were graduates of NJMS (not alumnies though). Would getting their recomendation help or the adcom wouldn't really care.

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mrgq912 said:
hey guys i have a question, i am currently licking my chops on the NJMS waitlist (and others). NJMS reranks their waitlist at the begininig on june. Do you guys think taking the mcat again would help. Would the scores even come out in time for it to matter.

What I am doing right now is taking a couple of gradutate courses at NJMS and also taking Medical neurscience. I had a talk with dr. H and the main thing that concerned him was the fact that I had a slow start during my undergrad and then i picked up my performance later on. So he suggested taking classes to show i can start start strong.

But do you think mcats would really help. I mean i already have a 30. I know that these boards think a 30 is pretty low but i think a 30 is fine for your avg med school.

And also what have others done to get of the waitlist. Have you sent in a letter to the adcom, or have you gotten more recomendations. I work as ER tech at the university hospital, and am good friends with two er docs who were graduates of NJMS (not alumnies though). Would getting their recomendation help or the adcom wouldn't really care.

I know this isn't the answer you are looking for but I would say WAIT! Honestly, you could end up dooming your chances by getting a lower score (and a higher score may not mean that much). As someone who works with admissions, let me tell you that generally students who pester ADCOMS can do more harm than good. BELIEVE ME! I know it is difficult to be in your position, I won't trivialize that fact. But remove yourself from the situation and be cool.
mrgq912 said:
But do you think mcats would really help. I mean i already have a 30. I know that these boards think a 30 is pretty low but i think a 30 is fine for your avg med school.

And also what have others done to get of the waitlist. Have you sent in a letter to the adcom, or have you gotten more recomendations. I work as ER tech at the university hospital, and am good friends with two er docs who were graduates of NJMS (not alumnies though). Would getting their recomendation help or the adcom wouldn't really care.

advice: Don't retake the mcat.

The real reason for this post: how are the two graduates not alumni? that just doesn't make any sense. :confused:
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I'd say write a letter (or email) to dr. heinrich. while it may not "move you to the top of the list" it will put you in his mind. Maybe try to get a meeting with him.

He remembers everybody. It's scary sometimes, but in a good way cause he's a super nice guy.
i am under the impression that you need to join the alumni association by donating money to the school. Then you get to be an alumni of the school. Until then you are just a graduate. Either way the 2 docs specifically mentioned they ain't alum's cause they are too broke to donate money.

any way thanks for the input. I am definetly not pestering the adcom. i have emailed them only once since my interview. And that was to inform that i am taking grad classes at their school like dr. h recommended. I am thinking of writing a letter in may when i have a few grades in.

I just feel like i am on the cusp of getting in and i should do whatever i can to get in. but i ll definetly avoid harrassing the adcom and the dean.

I hope you're good on your knees. And I'm not talking about praying. :laugh:

Just kidding. You need to show the school that you have genuine interest without appearing to be annoying or overbearing. It's still early in the season for the wait list anyway, so put it aside for a while. Once it gets closer to the time when they start taking people of the wait list then get yourself in gear and illustrate your interest.