Technology Best Web Browser

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15+ Year Member
Nov 6, 2003
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I was previously using IE, but I was getting so many pop-ups(despite having a pop-up blocker) that it was getting annoying. No to mention, everytime I closed IE I'd get this error message (something can't reference something in the memory blah blah blah).

So now I've switched to Netscape for the last week. It's okay I suppose. Although some things don't work as easily as they did with IE.

I've heard of Mozilla, Linux(?), and Myie...but I'd hate to have to download all of those just to figure out which one is the best.

Any comments/suggestions?

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Whodathunkit said:
"...I've heard of Mozilla, Linux(?), and Myie...but I'd hate to have to download all of those just to figure out which one is the best..."

Mozilla is an excellent browser as is Opera. In any case, though, web pages that are designed with IE in mind will not necessarily be faithfully produced in Mozilla or Opera.

For instance, some pages have drop down menus from a single link. In Mozilla and Opera, this doesn't work. Instead, you will see the complete menu. Of course, the functionality is the same but your screen real estate changes.

Medical Informatics Committee
San Mateo Medical Center
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Fireworks is great... using it right now and it rocks
I use Netscape just cuz it came with some other program I installed. I don't really have a prob with it, and i don't ahve to deal with the friggin pop ups anymore.
I recommend Mozilla Firefox as well. Its fast, small, customizable, and best of all - not integrated tightly with Windows (why IE has many of its security problems).

I can't function without tabbed browsing (many pages in one browser window) and mouse gestures now that I've started using them.

And compatibility with websites is very good (better than Opera I can attest) - I rarely come across sites that don't work as well in Firefox as they do in IE. Of course, your mileage may vary.

By the way, Linux is an operating system, not a browser. ;-)
oh btw, the built in popup blocker in Firefox has made me forget that popups even exist... until i opened up IE and they came up almost every webpage i visited (this is after a clean format)

and i agree with the many tab buttons allowing you to look at a bunch of pages in the same window.
firefox ROCKS!!! Thank you to the heavn. YAY :D :) :)
opera si pretty good.....i still use IE on popups, no errors..otherwise i woudl switch