Best Webistes for Serious Medical Literature

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5+ Year Member
Aug 12, 2017
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I am looking for a non-consumer website that goes into great detail explaining different diseases and their pathophysiologies. For example: I want to study Sickle Cell Anemia but I do not want to learn about it on websites such as Web MD because of how they dumb down the information. Any great websites that offer these comprehensive explanations?

Members don't see this ad. is good for some overviews. If you want to read actual literature, pubmed will have some stuff freely available. Wikipedia is a good place to start learning information (undergrad lied to you) and gives you links to articles that you can dig deeper in.

If you are a medical student already and have school library access, ClinicalKey is fantastic for learning about diseases. If you want to be a gunner, just go ahead and buy yourself a copy of Robins Pathologic Basis of Disease.
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I would just buy the book bro. A few bucks and you have all your answers. You can probably get a used copy of an older edition for dirt cheap.

Actual websites listed above are pretty good, but unlike the textbooks the pathophys is typically more dispersed or not as well explained. You sort of already have to know it by the time you look there. Wikipedia is pretty good for rarer diseases, but sometimes can be pretty poorly written or downright useless.
It sounds like you're looking for disease state overviews. For sickle cell you're probably not going to find more detailed information than in a textbook. You can use the tertiary literature databases such as dynamed or clinicalkey if your educational institution has access. PM me if you want some more resources.