Biochem online? in person?

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Apr 9, 2020
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I'm currently at a 2 year college and going to be transferring to 2 year bac/post-bac program. The university I'm transferring to doesn't offer biochem, and I'm planning on applying to some top tier med schools but some of my choices require biochem. I don't want to limit my options so I have a few ideas:
1. take biochem in person the summer before transferring (next summer)
[instead of doing research at a prestigious hospital, studying a language abroad on full scholarship, or studying for MCAT]
2. take biochem summer before senior year [might take a gap/work year so this could be my MCAT summer or without gap year I should be working on med school applications]
3. biochem online? some schools don't accept so that's why I'm hesitant on this
4. can i take biochem after getting accepted into med school or do they still care if its online if you've already been accepted?
5. other ideas????

Thanks for the help! I really wanted to take next summer to go abroad or do research (which will boost my application also) but I don't want to limit the places I apply just because I didn't take ONE class. Sorry if this is a bit confusing lmk if you have questions

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kennedykallas said:

I'm currently at a 2 year college and going to be transferring to 2 year bac/post-bac program. The university I'm transferring to doesn't offer biochem, and I'm planning on applying to some top tier med schools but some of my choices require biochem. I don't want to limit my options so I have a few ideas:
1. take biochem in person the summer before transferring (next summer)
[instead of doing research at a prestigious hospital, studying a language abroad on full scholarship, or studying for MCAT]
2. take biochem summer before senior year [might take a gap/work year so this could be my MCAT summer or without gap year I should be working on med school applications]
3. biochem online? some schools don't accept so that's why I'm hesitant on this
4. can i take biochem after getting accepted into med school or do they still care if its online if you've already been accepted?
5. other ideas????

Thanks for the help! I really wanted to take next summer to go abroad or do research (which will boost my application also) but I don't want to limit the places I apply just because I didn't take ONE class. Sorry if this is a bit confusing lmk if you have questions
OP your first idea is the best; hedge your bets
@jhkmd I see what you're saying but research would definitely boost my app or going abroad on full scholarship [i have a good chance of getting it for reasons i will not list] would make my app stand out. I'm really in a pickle here on what to do. Maybe I should just take biochem in 2 summers not next summer and then take a gap year. This way i can study for the MCAT and take biochem in the same summer.

Also, if all else fails, what do you think of doing it online?
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kennedykallas said:
@jhkmd I see what you're saying but research would definitely boost my app or going abroad on full scholarship [i have a good chance of getting it for reasons i will not list] would make my app stand out. I'm really in a pickle here on what to do. Maybe I should just take biochem in 2 summers not next summer and then take a gap year. This way i can study for the MCAT and take biochem in the same summer.

Also, if all else fails, what do you think of doing it online?
Not very smart. Again, I'd go with the first option. Some med schools do not value online classes as much as classes taken in person.
Agree with @jhkmd - your first idea is the best. There is a good bit of Biochem on the MCAT so it would best to take the course prior to your exam. Also, as you mentioned, many schools do not accept online coursework so it would stink to have it not be accepted if you took it online. Best wishes!
Okay thanks for all the help, that's probably want I'll end up doing. More input from anyone that's had a similar issue is welcome!
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