Biology Pre-Req fulfillment

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10+ Year Member
Dec 10, 2010
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Hey everyone, I'm in the process of looking at medical school admission requirements and I have a question regarding the biology fulfillment. Would an A&P class with lab fulfill any of the biology requirements bc I've taken gen bio 1 with lab and contemplating whether or not to take gen bio 2 since ive taken A&P 1 and 2 with labs and I already know the gen bio 2 content for the mcat.

Thanks for your input in advance.

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Hey everyone, I'm in the process of looking at medical school admission requirements and I have a question regarding the biology fulfillment. Would an A&P class with lab fulfill any of the biology requirements bc I've taken gen bio 1 with lab and contemplating whether or not to take gen bio 2 since ive taken A&P 1 and 2 with labs and I already know the gen bio 2 content for the mcat.

Thanks for your input in advance.

Usually no, but it really depends on the school. Most schools will say that any medical science courses (which usually includes A&P) will not count for fulfilling science requirements. Look up the schools you're interested in and see if it is listed on their websites. If you can't find the information you are looking for, always contact them. Most schools welcome emails and questions!

Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely shoot them a message and see what they say. It's just the way they list the requirements are vague.
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Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely shoot them a message and see what they say. It's just the way they list the requirements are vague.

Yeah I know what you mean haha. Some of the schools I am interested in happen to list it specifically on their site, which is cool. But yeah, don't be afraid to ask them!! :thumbup: They can tell you better than any of us.
Why not take both Bio 2 AND A&P?