biopsy "client finder" data set

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10+ Year Member
Apr 19, 2011
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Check out the biopsy finder data set that Laboratory Economics is selling.

For $695 your AP sales force can obtain a nationwide list of providers who generate outpatient biopsies. Estimated 2021 volumes for CPT codes are included!

Imagine being an outpatient anatomic pathology lab sales rep. It’s like you are a drug rep -- except everyone is selling the same drug. IMO selling anatomic (or clinical) pathology is like selling gasoline.

I go to Costco to fill up my car because the price is low and I get a 4% kickback (rewards) on my Costco Citi credit card.

Selling anatomic pathology (and outpatient clinical pathology) is the same as selling gas. Because all gas is the same (a commodity) pricing and kickbacks are the only factors to consider.


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Selling anatomic pathology (and outpatient clinical pathology) is the same as selling gas. Because all gas is the same (a commodity) pricing and kickbacks are the only factors to consider.
Sort of. The difference is, in pathology, we're selling a service i.e. skillset. The price of the service is not controlled by us, but the consumer i.e. clinicians who decides the kickbacks/their cut = controlling our price. On top of that, there is regulation of the price of our service by government (CMS) and private insurance.

In gas (oil), they're selling a good which is a commodity. This is different because the seller (OPEC) does control the price and the consumer i.e. you, have no influence on the price (only whether you want to go to the BP down the next block, or the 4% kickbacks at Costco). The main difference, though is the seller = OPEC, is essentially a cartel that sticks together and sets a price to ensure maximum profits for all member nations. Whereas, in pathology, the seller = Pathology practices, are all at a race to the bottom to get any business they can, thus reducing profits for our specialty as a whole.