Board vitals for BASIC exam

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7+ Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
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Has anyone used this qbank? It seems really bad tbh. I've completed truelearn, M5, and halls. I am just looking for extra questions as I find the more questions I do the better. A lot of the explanations have poor grammar, it seems like english is not the authors primary language. Any other qbanks out there?

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If you've gone through TL, M5, and Hall and have reviewed the explanations to all of that, you should be in really good shape for Basic.
Yeah you're probably good on Qbanks. You're in a nice position and would probably already pass. What I did was keep a running list of the stuff I was bad at (vaporizers and other anesthesia machine questions, stress dose steroids, those invasive pressure waveforms overlapping with ECGs, etc) and reread those explanations. I had a notebook where I would force myself to re-summarize that stuff from memory. I had ambitions to go through the BASIC content outline as well but I honestly can't remember if I actually did that.

After that I had some time to go through (rapidly since at this point I was recognizing the questions) TrueLearn and spot re-reviewed M5.

I don't mean to stress out any time-poor CA1 reading the above. This is what I did with the intent of snagging top 10%tile. That's not where I normally live with these standardized exams so I put the time and effort in.