Bodybuilding and Med School?

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Diet is a biatch. That takes more time than the gym for me. My medication kills my appetite too, so it is painful to even get food in most of the day. I just try to keep a stock of healthier snacks around. I've become a bit of a fan of the kashi oatmeal. I also keep a few pieces of fruit, unsalted almonds and a half-gallon to gallon of milk. We have a little kitchenette here which is helpful. I can also walk across the street to the dining commons and get all you can eat. It is usually where I get my veggies.

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Hey Fellow Med Students,
I'm getting to the end of my second year and have my boards coming up so I know at this immediate time is not the best to start bodybuilding. However has anyone ever started bodybuilding while in med school? Its a life time goal of mine to get into the sport and i feel like I'm only going to get older and its going to be more and more difficult if I don't start soon. Any tips on how you managed to do it? Also I would really like some tips on training. I go to the gym as much as I can (4-6 days/wk depending on the week) but I've never been able to really bulk up beyond what I think is my genetic potential. I'm also a runner but I try to only run 1 day/week so I don't get too skinny.

I hope starting gym doesn't have any age limits but it depends upon the workouts the individual does. The individuals who are less than the age of 18 can also join the gym and can do the workouts using all the equipments but never with the huge weights. Many personal trainers suggest that the children should not do workouts with the weights because it may affect the bones.