Boyfriend is About to Start Medical School in a Different State


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Jul 13, 2017
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Hello, I know the topic of long distance relationships has probably been covered relentlessly, but my boyfriend is about to start medical school and we will be living in different states. We are going to attempt long distance, but he insists that we don't talk about it or try to make a plan. I know I will never understand the rigors of medical school, as I am not in the medical field at all, and he's not going to have much time (if any). I don't expect him to visit me. I told him I'd take on the financial burden of the relationship and visit him, not excessively, but once every few months. He's told me that visiting is a stupid idea and has called me clingy a dozen times for requesting that we make time to talk to each other, even for just five minutes, once a month. I've read that LDRs rely on communication, and he refuses to talk about it. I guess I just want to confirm that this is normal? Am I just being clingy? Or is this cause for concern? Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

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Hello, I know the topic of long distance relationships has probably been covered relentlessly, but my boyfriend is about to start medical school and we will be living in different states. We are going to attempt long distance, but he insists that we don't talk about it or try to make a plan. I know I will never understand the rigors of medical school, as I am not in the medical field at all, and he's not going to have much time (if any). I don't expect him to visit me. I told him I'd take on the financial burden of the relationship and visit him, not excessively, but once every few months. He's told me that visiting is a stupid idea and has called me clingy a dozen times for requesting that we make time to talk to each other, even for just five minutes, once a month. I've read that LDRs rely on communication, and he refuses to talk about it. I guess I just want to confirm that this is normal? Am I just being clingy? Or is this cause for concern? Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
Sounds like this guy doesn't want to make it work. Cut your losses.
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Hello, I know the topic of long distance relationships has probably been covered relentlessly, but my boyfriend is about to start medical school and we will be living in different states. We are going to attempt long distance, but he insists that we don't talk about it or try to make a plan. I know I will never understand the rigors of medical school, as I am not in the medical field at all, and he's not going to have much time (if any). I don't expect him to visit me. I told him I'd take on the financial burden of the relationship and visit him, not excessively, but once every few months. He's told me that visiting is a stupid idea and has called me clingy a dozen times for requesting that we make time to talk to each other, even for just five minutes, once a month. I've read that LDRs rely on communication, and he refuses to talk about it. I guess I just want to confirm that this is normal? Am I just being clingy? Or is this cause for concern? Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

I think you already know the answer to this.

Call it off and move on ASAP. He's not putting in any effort, and neither should you.
You're not being clingy, he just has no interest in pursuing a LD relationship. It will never work if he doesn't want to put in the effort. I would end things now.
Trust your judgment on this relationship. If both parties aren't fully committed, it's best to guard your heart and move on.
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He doesn't like you, it's over. Find someone worth your time.