BRS Cell Biology and Histology

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Jun 16, 2005
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I was wondering if this book is helpful to review for the boards, or if other histology review books were more preferred? Thanks.

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peaches09 said:
I was wondering if this book is helpful to review for the boards, or if other histology review books were more preferred? Thanks.

I'd probably get the HY series instead (HY Cell/Mol. Bio and HY Histo). Definitely get the former and try to master it. Most of the top-scorers on SDN seem to swear by it...
i too have this book but the mere size of it makes me crap...i have whizzed thru it one time and it seems too detailed...but if you are taking the course along with it then it might be far as the boards, i would also go with the HY series
This is a fairly low-yield "skim" topic. Pick up HY and buzz through it a couple of times the week before the exam and you're good to go.
This is such a low yield topic that I wouldn't even waste time studying it. I would look over FA for it. If you really do feel like preparing for this - HY histo or BRS cell biology are good enough. Just look at the big topics in there, don't waste time with little stuff. has those listed and some other ones listed under micro/histo if you want to take a look to see what else is available. But I would say spend your time learning something more high yield.