B's on all premed pre-reqs...HELP

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10+ Year Member
Jan 4, 2013
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Hey everyone! I am new to this community; I have a quick question:
I received Bs in all my premed pre requisites (chem,phys,orgo,bio+ labs). My overall gpa is a 3.59 and my sgpa is a 3.3. What are my chances, I have one year of schooling left btw. Any advice/suggestions?
Thanks in advance!

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Hey everyone! I am new to this community; I have a quick question:
I received Bs in all my premed pre requisites (chem,phys,orgo,bio+ labs). My overall gpa is a 3.59 and my sgpa is a 3.3. What are my chances, I have one year of schooling left btw. Any advice/suggestions?
Thanks in advance!

with a very strong MCAT (34+) and strong ECs, MD acceptance is well within range with those GPAs. even better, you stll have over a year left! raise that GPA, ace the MCAT, bolster ECs

all there is to it
Really... all of them... What happened? Because your science GPA is more important than your cGPA, you could start taking more upperlevel science classes such as genetics, microbiology, biochem, and physical chemistry to help you out. But you should only take these classes if you think you can do better than a B+ in them, which is very possible with effort. Doing bad in them however will be even more detrimental to your app. Like aspiring said you also should nail the MCAT and have good ECs.
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Thanks for the input; looking back I never studied properly. I hope to take advance biology classes but I wont have time for chem ones (biochem, pchem). I am just worried that I will have a cookie cutter application ;(
Thanks for the input; looking back I never studied properly. I hope to take advance biology classes but I wont have time for chem ones (biochem, pchem). I am just worried that I will have a cookie cutter application ;(

Well that's really good that you came back on track! You don't really need to Pchem. Biochem is really useful though if you can fit in your schedule. It'll help not only for your "redemption of Bs" but also give you a small leg up for the MCAT. Try to do some unique ECs to stray away from the average. Just because you have an average GPA doesn't make you average. There is the MCAT and also the ECs. ECs can really separate you from the competition if you possess really nice ones. Furthermore, they don't have to be some super crazy or extremely hard ones. However, ECs that show commitment, effort, and proper explanation on the app can make your app instead of breaking it. Good Luck!!!:D
Yeah I will do that. Good luck to you as well!