C in Orgo 2 or W?

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Mar 19, 2018
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Just took the 2nd midterm exam and I think I did really poorly. I got a C in Orgo 1 as well, (being lazy, partying, trying to cram etc.), but I wanted to know if taking the W is better than having 2 C's. (No other C's in any other classes). Currently in the class I can only miss 170 more points before getting out of the B range. (After this exam I am pretty sure that number will drop down to 100).

So.....work extremely hard and barely miss anymore points or take the W this Friday?

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Just took the 2nd midterm exam and I think I did really poorly. I got a C in Orgo 1 as well, (being lazy, partying, trying to cram etc.), but I wanted to know if taking the W is better than having 2 C's. (No other C's in any other classes). Currently in the class I can only miss 170 more points before getting out of the B range. (After this exam I am pretty sure that number will drop down to 100).

So.....work extremely hard and barely miss anymore points or take the W this Friday?
Assuming the class has a total of 1000points, missing less than 100 with half the semester left seems very doable if you’re a serious student, never mind being a serious premed student
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Assuming the class has a total of 1000points, missing less than 100 with half the semester left seems very doable if you’re a serious student, never mind being a serious premed student
Class total is 725
3 Midterms 375 -----> currently at (135/250) (including my prediction from this second test)
But yeah...I'm leaning on just working hard and fighting for the B....but if I do worse than my predicted score than idk.....the test was extremely difficult lol there were people crying after.. x(
currently at (135/250) (including my prediction from this second test)
Not really sure what that means, but since you have one MT left and can miss 100 points, you can get a 73% to get a B- in the class, which seems very doable, at least for me. Hopefully your school isn’t on the +/- system which is a huge pain