California PTs: Question about hourly pay?

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Mar 6, 2018
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I'm currently a full-time salaried PT in cash-based OP ortho, but I'm switching to part-time. My employer is offering me to switch to hourly, but the only hours I will be paid for are the hours that I am with patients (each appointment is 1 hour). I have talked to a lot of non-PT people while trying to decide whether or not to do this, and a lot of people are mentioning that this violates labor laws, and that I would need to be paid for time spent on documentation outside of patient hours.

Does anyone have experience working hourly and can speak to this? Do you get paid time for documentation?

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I'm currently a full-time salaried PT in cash-based OP ortho, but I'm switching to part-time. My employer is offering me to switch to hourly, but the only hours I will be paid for are the hours that I am with patients (each appointment is 1 hour). I have talked to a lot of non-PT people while trying to decide whether or not to do this, and a lot of people are mentioning that this violates labor laws, and that I would need to be paid for time spent on documentation outside of patient hours.

Does anyone have experience working hourly and can speak to this? Do you get paid time for documentation?

Former PT, current MD (not ortho). I am unaware of labor laws that would apply to a cash-based Ortho PP, particularly on a per hour basis. It's purely free market between you and them. In most healthcare fields however, per diem (and hourly employed rate) would be significantly higher than a FT job as one is not receiving benefits which are expensive.