Call rooms

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2+ Year Member
Jan 16, 2020
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Just wondering are residents supposed to have their own call rooms when working overnight, 24 hours call etc. Sometimes PA's are using our call room, which makes it difficult to use, are we supposed to share with them? was wondering how that works.

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This is the language from the ACGME core program requirements document,

"The program, in partnership with its Sponsoring Institution, must ensure healthy and safe learning and working environments that promote resident well-being and provide for ... safe, quiet, clean, and private sleep/rest facilities available and accessible for residents with proximity appropriate for safe patient care"

So interpret that as you will. If you are at a supportive institution/program then you should talk to your chief resident and they will get the PA's to bugger off. If your institution/program is less supportive, they will probably say they are in compliance with the ACGME requirements and tell you to bugger off.
Former chief resident here from a supportive program. If I had heard about this it would go straight to the PD and we would have it solved” in <48 hours.

As stated above you technically don’t have to have a private room, which I personally think is total BS. You can always get argue for this based on “feeling safe” though. At minimum there should be one for men and one for women

If all else fails, report this in the annual survey it should get fixed. By all means can speak to your chief first as above but if they are less supportive this is da way.
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