Phone call on your behalf to programs

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5+ Year Member
Apr 3, 2018
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From what I know, well known attendings in the field or department chairmen/PD can make phone calls on your behalf to a program that you are interviewing at to possibly boost you chance of matching at that program. So my question is, should you ask the attending (who will be making the call) to contact the program BEFORE the interview or AFTER you come back from interviewing? I've heard of rank lists being finalized the day of the interview so I don't know what the best timing is. Any input will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

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I've heard of rank lists being finalized the day of the interview so I don't know what the best timing is.
I don't think this is exactly accurate--they may render some sort of "score" on the day of the interview, but obviously they can't immediately compare all applicants across all interview days. That has to be done later closer to ROL deadline, so usually places will have a meeting to finalize that list in January-February.

So in general, would recommend the phone call afterward. But it probably doesn't matter.
I don't think this is exactly accurate--they may render some sort of "score" on the day of the interview, but obviously they can't immediately compare all applicants across all interview days. That has to be done later closer to ROL deadline, so usually places will have a meeting to finalize that list in January-February.

So in general, would recommend the phone call afterward. But it probably doesn't matter.

Regarding the comment about programs coming up with a rank list on the same day, I was referring to the smaller specialties with 2~3 spots per class that interview 15~25 applicants in one day. But thanks for your input!
Regarding the comment about programs coming up with a rank list on the same day, I was referring to the smaller specialties with 2~3 spots per class that interview 15~25 applicants in one day. But thanks for your input!
That seems like a relevant piece of information...

Honestly, ask your chairman/PD/influential person what they normally do and have them do that.
Regarding the comment about programs coming up with a rank list on the same day, I was referring to the smaller specialties with 2~3 spots per class that interview 15~25 applicants in one day. But thanks for your input!
Well, if you know everything already, why are you asking questions?
Well, if you know everything already, why are you asking questions?

I never said I know everything. Sorry if I came off like that. Didn't mean any disrespect. I just heard that some programs do that (not sure which ones) so I was wondering what other applicants have done in the past. Care to share your opinion doctor? would be much appreciated!
I never said I know everything. Sorry if I came off like that. Didn't mean any disrespect. I just heard that some programs do that (not sure which ones) so I was wondering what other applicants have done in the past. Care to share your opinion doctor? would be much appreciated!
Some programs do a thing. Others don't.

Some applicants do a thing. Others don't.

Most programs fill. Some don't.

Most applicants match. Some don't.

Do your thing. Or don't.

Whatever lets you sleep at night.
From what I know, well known attendings in the field or department chairmen/PD can make phone calls on your behalf to a program that you are interviewing at to possibly boost you chance of matching at that program. So my question is, should you ask the attending (who will be making the call) to contact the program BEFORE the interview or AFTER you come back from interviewing? I've heard of rank lists being finalized the day of the interview so I don't know what the best timing is. Any input will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Do you already have the interview? If so, I would say have them call before hand. It's very variable what programs do - some might tentatively rank applicants the day of interview, but obviosuly with other interview dates/applicants that might change. most programs in my experience rank applicants closer to the deadline to submission of the rank list.

I think it makes most sense for the chairperson to call before but at the end of the day not sure like others have said how big of a differnece might make. If you have the interview already, you are in the running. Be pleasant, know why you want to go into what you are going into, know xomething about the program/city, be personable and polite to everyone, and you'll likely do fine.