Can Anybody suggest a rank order list ?

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Dec 27, 2015
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Could anybody suggest a rank order list for these programs, based on program reputation+ graduates placement?

Penn state; ut houston; umass; brown; albert eisnstein, tufts, UAB.


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Could anybody suggest a rank order list for these programs, based on program reputation+ graduates placement?

Penn state; ut houston; umass; brown; albert eisnstein, tufts, UAB.


Based on reputation alone, the list might look something like this:

UT Houston
Penn State
Albert Einstein
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Thanks. I am single, so I am more flexible and care more about the program reputation and graduate placement.

alpinebrook: Thanks for your input, but can you explain why you think reputation of the massachusetts' programs are not as good as others.
Thanks. I am single, so I am more flexible and care more about the program reputation and graduate placement.

alpinebrook: Thanks for your input, but can you explain why you think reputation of the massachusetts' programs are not as good as others.

I was solely going by Doximity's Residency Navigator. I keep looking at it, even though I know I probably shouldn't be putting so much weight into it. But it's the first (and pretty much only) ranking of its kind, and does increase transparency. I think it's a good for getting a "ballpark" figure. For example, all the programs you listed appear to be roughly mid-tier programs. So they are fairly similar in reputation. Boards pass rate and job placement would probably be the more important thing to look at right now. That, and of course location.

I don't know anything about Texas, NY, Alabama... but as for the MA programs, they are probably lower reputation-wise because I think MGH, Brigham, and BID overshadow them a bit...