can anyone recommend a good tablet pc?

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Dec 3, 2004
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Hi all,

I have been shopping around for a tablet pc. Does anyone have a tablet pc that they use for notetaking in class and would recommend, or maybe even one to stay away from?

I am considering the HP Compaq Tablet PC 1100. However, I wasn't sure if the small display would cause headaches from using for extended periods of time.

Also, will I have to buy MS Office (with PowerPoint, Word, etc.) to be able to take handwritten notes with the tabet on PowerPoint presentations, PDF files, or Word documents?

Thanks in advance.


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i dont know about tablet PC's and which are good, but HP from my experience is the worst brand out there. More reliable ones : IBM, Sony, Dell
You will need microsoft One Note to take the best notes. As far as brands fuji has some nice ones from what i've seen. Also viewsonic has somesweet ones.
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The IBM X41 Convertible table/notebook is getting rave reviews. I actually work for IBM/Lenovo so PM me if you want me to hook you up. Not trying to make any $$$ just trying to hook a fellow board member up.
I jsut bought an IBM x41 due to the absolutely rave reviews I've seen. They're out of stock, I placed my order back in march and it's still nto delivered!! expected delivery date nextweek!
Did you buy it direct? If so, PM me your order number and I'll check into it.

I have been using a Mac the last few months and have found it to be surprisingly powerful and speedy contrary to what I had previously heard. Macs are not as fast as the pcs, but work more efficiently, suffer far less viral attacks, and crash seldom to not al all. Down the line, I will definitely consider a Mac notebook. Take care and GOD bless.
Hi folks,

does everyone use a pc to take down notes in the class? I mean while the prof is giving a lecture do you guys just type it down on ur PC?
My typing skills suck! am i screwd?? :(
I don't have a tablet but about a year ago i heavily researched them and i think i came to the conclusion that the toshibas, while pricey seemed to be the best quality and get the best overall reviews. check out the forums at , I found them helpful to see what owners were saying about the pros and cons of their various models. you could also post any questions you had there like your questions about having to buy the office software.
OSMF said:
Hi folks,

does everyone use a pc to take down notes in the class? I mean while the prof is giving a lecture do you guys just type it down on ur PC?
My typing skills suck! am i screwd?? :(

also it depends on the school but at the places i interviewed at i was under the impression that some (most?) kids don't bring their laptops to class, but just take handwritten notes and/or have a coursepack.
Few people bring laptops at my school. All the notes are on handouts. I guess you could type up some notes, but then you'd be referring back and forth between that and the handouts. Unless you need it for specific patient management software in the clinics, it's more of a hassle than helpful.
Biogirl361 said:
also it depends on the school but at the places i interviewed at i was under the impression that some (most?) kids don't bring their laptops to class, but just take handwritten notes and/or have a coursepack.

True, it does depend on your school. From what I understand the professors at my school put all of their PowerPoint slides from lecture on Blackboard. And with a tablet PC, I just think it would be convenient to download the slides and annotate the slides during lecture. Then, it is easy to study the slides or print them out if i choose to.

I also considered getting a Mac; however I've always used PC's so I don't want to transition now. Not to mention, Mac also does not make a tablet. or at least yet.
defender90 said:
True, it does depend on your school. From what I understand the professors at my school put all of their PowerPoint slides from lecture on Blackboard. And with a tablet PC, I just think it would be convenient to download the slides and annotate the slides during lecture. Then, it is easy to study the slides or print them out if i choose to.

I also considered getting a Mac; however I've always used PC's so I don't want to transition now. Not to mention, Mac also does not make a tablet. or at least yet.

oh my god! My x41 just came! I highly recommend it! Screw all the other crap, you need to get this one!

Alas it is glorious! esp. w/ the 8 cell battery, it lasts as long as a Houston 500 gangbang!