Can certain classes taken on transcripts set you apart from other applicants?

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Sep 2, 2011
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I have the opportunity to sign up for a course taught specifically for dental hygene students. Head and Neck Anatomy and Head and Neck embryology/ Histology. Will taking this course and getting a good grade make me more noticeble aside from the usual DAT, GPA?

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I have the opportunity to sign up for a course taught specifically for dental hygene students. Head and Neck Anatomy and Head and Neck embryology/ Histology. Will taking this course and getting a good grade make me more noticeble aside from the usual DAT, GPA?

Such in-depth courses are certain to get you noted.
I dont know if he's being sarcastic or not; however, the material I've witnessed DH students covering during their studies seemed very detailed and in-depth. This is to say, you will learn far more about the head and neck in this course than an undergrad gross anatomy.

Such in-depth courses are certain to get you noted.
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MAAAN i hope so. cause only 19 people other than me were in that interpretive immunohematology class! i was concerned about this too, though. i mean if you've got somebody with a 3.low with 400 level science classes, i'm hoping that individual ( would be considered more competitive than someone with a 4.high in underwater basket weaving and such. eh?
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MAAAN i hope so. cause only 19 people other than me were in that interpretive immunohematology class! i was concerned about this too, though. i mean if you've got somebody with a 3.low with 400 level science classes, i'm hoping that individual ( would be considered more competitive than someone with a 4.high in underwater basket weaving and such. eh?

I don't know....

Water can be a bitch sometimes especially when you're trying to weave. And you have to be pretty good at holding your breath :D
I dont know if he's being sarcastic or not; however, the material I've witnessed DH students covering during their studies seemed very detailed and in-depth. This is to say, you will learn far more about the head and neck in this course than an undergrad gross anatomy.

Unless gross anatomy is taught at a university with med/dental schools, not much can be added to the depth of an undergrad course you are speaking about.
MAAAN i hope so. cause only 19 people other than me were in that interpretive immunohematology class! i was concerned about this too, though. i mean if you've got somebody with a 3.low with 400 level science classes, i'm hoping that individual ( would be considered more competitive than someone with a 4.high in underwater basket weaving and such. eh?

A) What the 4.high guy has is long term consistency and dedication, which makes him a very appealing candidate.

B) The 3.low guy who did well in a 400 lvl science course shows potential.

Guy A has already established himself while guy B is in the process of doing so. So, who would you choose as a safe bet?
A) What the 4.high guy has is long term consistency and dedication, which makes him a very appealing candidate.

B) The 3.low guy who did well in a 400 lvl science course shows potential.

Guy A has already established himself while guy B is in the process of doing so. So, who would you choose as a safe bet?

things that make you go "hmmm..."

depends on what type of student i sought (as an adcom person) to build my class. it seems like the best bet would be the multiple upper division science class guy with consistently high(ish) marks as opposed to the one shot firework guy...if that were the case in my example. what if it were true that the applicants who had previously exhibited potential were best at PBL and the ones with established academic success were best at traditional recitation type courses? that'd be something to consider.

tough call though. they have GOT to plug this stuff into some sort of equation to decide who's in and who isn't. right?? i mean a school is only as good as its students..?